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1. You guys need to have a Yahoo! Account to see most of the pictures. I know it sucks, but I ran out of space so this is the only way I can still update.
2. The Gods Section is going to be messed up for a little while. I'm going to be deleting pictures and then re-adding them in the Yahoo! Group account I have.
Sorry for all the trouble, and thank you for keeping on coming back :)
~*The Gods*~
~*Player Of The Month*~
~*About Moi*~
~*En Français*~
~*Check This Out*~
~*My Opinion On Czerkawski*~
~*A Word About Pix*~
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Hey people! If you are on this site it is for one reason and for one reason only. To see the beautiful men the National Hockey League has to offer. I am warning you, there is no drewling allowed because you might damage your keyboard and I don't want you to have to go out and spend money on another keyboard or blame it on me or something...NO DREWLING!! Got that? You might be asking yourselves, what in this world persuaded this person to start a website like this, what a waste of time! Well you know what I have to say to you people...IT'S THE DAMN HORMONES!! WHAT ELSE IS A 15 YEAR OLD HOCKEY ADDICT GIRL S'POSED TO THINK OF, HUH? You tell me! Well, anyways, I tried to limit the guys because I wanted to make this page super detailed and stuff. So i wanted to do that top 3 of all the teams. Well, you know what! There is more then 3 hot players per team so maybe i rounded 3 off to...6 maybe even 9...Lemme just say to all those guys that might be looking at this page (by guys I mean NHL'ers) don't be all depressed because when I saw all the websites I was like, "Man, this guy is cute. But cute just doesn't cut it." Also, if you are super insulted let me know, we'll make a whole new catagory for you, "Cuties". Okie dokie? Everybody's happy?

I just want to say thanx to all you visitors, I never thought my site could be so popular, it kind of started out as a joke...heehee...Thanx so much, you guys!

get this gear!

Mmm...let me also say that I think Mariusz Czerkawski is the God of all Gods. And Ethan Moreau and Sheldon Souray are like the princes... Those guys are so sexy it's unbeleivable. NO JOSIE (notice the girlyness of his name) THEODORE IS NOT THE HOTTEST PLAYER EVER!!! He hardly made the cut...Oh, yeah for all you people that think coaches are hot, EEWW!! They are like 40...old!! (The only hot 40 year old is Douggie Gilmour and if we must go into coaches, Laviolette, and Cassidy but nothing else! Actually I don't know why I'm complaining cuz I personally like 40 year olds, but coaches are sort of fat and balding and stuff and yeea) So anyways, enjoy what the National Hockey League has to offer!!
Been Lovin' Hockey Players Since:
November 2002
 Last Updated on June 24, 2004
Added 6 Gilmour Clothes pix and 6 of him in Gear. 10 Lecavalier in Clothes and 5 in Gear and 6 Chow in Clothes. READ THE MESSAGE AT THE TOP! Sorry I'm being so anti-update ;)

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RiP number thirtyseven