
I was born some twenty odd years ago in a small town on what had once been the border between the human kingdoms and the lands of the Fen'Neko. However, by
the time I was born all was the Acendency. Our town was a place where outcasts and misfits who were rejected by the mainstream of society could find a refuge. All of those who lived there had put there past lives behind them,
no matter what stories, what adventures those lives had held. They came to live in our peaceful farming community in search of a luxury that was becoming
all to uncommon in the oppresed lands of the Acendency, the luxury of peace, and the luxury of freedom. I never knew the reason that my parents came to live in a place such as this, and I never asked. For the first seven years of my life, we lived like any other family in the village. However, when I was around eight years of age, a village elder noticed I had a great deal of skill with the quaterstaff. After a conference with my parents, I was sent to the
village blacksmith, a Ghorak Zo named Darius, for training in all manner of weapons. Although I did not know it at the time, the blacksmith was a former
Master of the Blades in the Emperor's army and as such he knew much about all forms of armed combat. For 8 long years I trained with Darius, usually sleeping in his house and rarely seeing my parents. During this time, Darius taugh me not only how to fight with weapons, but he began to teach me how to make them too. When I was fifteen, an unforseeable tragedy struck. One of the Emperors advisors, a Humam with the strange name of Eorioius, ordered an attack on our village. I was in the smithy alone when the soldiers came, and two of them burst in through the open door. When they saw me they drew their swords and laughed, for they though I would be an easy kill as they were two trained soldiers and I was a half grown "Kitty". It was a mistake that they made only once, and one that they did not live to repeat. Stoping only to wipe their blood on one of their tunics, I raced to the house of Darius and was stunned to see four of these strange soldiers lying dead or dying on his porch. I ran inside and saw Darius, with a nasty gash on his rights shoulder and a matching cut on his left leg being hard pressed by three huge Humans, one of whom wore what I could tell from Darius's former description of his uniform was the uniform of a Blademaster. I ran to his aid and cut down the soldier on his left from behind, an act which I am not proud of, but neccecity breeds desperation. One of the remaning soldiers turned to face me, thankfully not the Blademaster. I could see from the beggining that even
though this man was not a Blademaster, he was more dangerous than both of the soldiers I had slain earlier together. Whomer had planned this raid had planned it well and had sent crack troops to dispatch Darius, but they had not planned on my presence! In the ensuing fight between me and the Although I won the ensuing fight against the human soldier I rember very little about it.
I rember him looking at me in astonisment that turned to hatred, and then he launched his attack. The next thing I rember is my pulling my sword out of his heart. In that fight, I gained a gash on my left cheek from which I still
bear the scar today. I then turned my attention to Darius' battle. He was well matched in strength with the other man, and their blades made a deadly circle of steal in a swordfight the likes of which I had never seen before. I
began to move towards the Blademaster's unprotected back, but Darius made a motion that I was not to attack this man so. Then, Darius stumbled and the Blademaster pressed his attack to quickly. Darius was able to almost avoid the stroke, but it did catch the edge of his arm. Hoever, with that poorly aimed blow, the Blademaster was thrown off balance enough that Darius's sword struck home on the next blow. Darius cleaned his sword off on the dead man's tunic, looked at me and simply said of the man, "I once knew him well." We stepped outside and found to our surprise that the raid was over. The
soldiers had left without even stopping to find out what had happened to their dead! We looked through the town to see if there were any survivors, but we found none. All that we found were dead bodies of both townspeople and
soldiers, but at least it seemed that the townspeople, unprepared as they were, had given as good as they got! At my parents house, neither Darius or I could find the bodies of my parents, and I can only pray they escaped, though I will most likely never know. And so ends most of my tale. I journeyed with Darius for some time, training with him all the time, and eventually we heard
rumors that Eorious, had prompted the attack. Darius stayed on the mainland to see what support he could gather there against the Empire, and I got myself captured and Exiled to these islands to see what support I could gather here. Little did I know that before one was Exiled,
all their skills were removed. So now I remain on these isles, training again, hoping for the day that I will see the emperor and his fould advisor fall and hoping that I can play some small part in it.



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