Meet Troy McClure!

Troy McClure is one of Springfield's most well-known faces. You may remember him from such movies as "The Muppets Go Medieval" and "The Planet of the Apes: The Musical." He does all kinds of work: movies, made-for-TV-movies, infomercials, school educational series, and the like. One of my favorite episodes is when he marries Selma to gain some credibility and gets the lead in the Planet of the Apes musical. He cries out, "Unhand me!" The amazed apes stutter, "He can walk!" "He can talk!" Troy replies, "I can SIIIIINNNGG!!" The apes go to Dr. Zaius for help. The movie ends when Troy sings, "I hate every ape that I see from Chimpan A to Chimpanzee. You'll never make a monkey out of me! (Statue of Liberty appears in the background) Oh, my God, I was wrong. It was Earth all along. You've finally made a monkey out of me! I love you, Dr. Zaius!" Troy McClure was voiced by the late Phil Hartman, and will be sorely missed.

Phil Hartman


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