~ Big Bubba ~

Geneva, Florida  USA

Cyber Home of Barbara & A.J. Kurdyla

~ Luger ~

Sorry Folks, but we're not breeding Rotties at this time. We are having to (at least temporarily) conform to the unfounded whims of the media and insurance companies who insist on categorizing this wonderful, intelligent and loving animal as "Dangerous"! The first time that "Big Bubba" came up to me with a baby bird held gently in his mouth because it had fallen out of the nest, it amazed me. Another time, he located one of my lost earrings and dropped it gently at my feet. I have heard and seen him whine to me because wild songbirds were eating from his dish and wouldn't "let him" near it! Just imagine a 140-lb. rottweiler unwilling to chase a 3-ounce bird from his dish! Dangerous? I think NOT! However, let somebody raise their voice to ME or appear to threaten someone in the family, they had better start back-peddling quickly. The Rottie Barking-Bounce is something to behold. When my son was jogging with Bubba, a German Shephard charged, and Bubba sent him packing! When a burglar tried to break in through the window, Bubba greeted him from the inside and scared him away. Our rotties groom our cats and even get along with the wild peacocks that roam the area.

If and when society regains it's sanity and realizes that irresponsible breeders and bad owners cause dangerous dogs (even little dogs can do damage), our situation might change. I truly hope that happens, because with careful selection and proper breeding and socializing, rotties can become a great asset to the family. This noble Roman War Dog does not deserve the reputation of a viscious criminal canine, and owners with no history of dog problems should not be penalized by insurance companies and the media.


~ In Loving Memory ~

On Sunday, May 17, 1998, Damchen Olga Von Geneva passed away. She was the "wife" of Baron Luger Von Geneva (deceased), and daughter of Hans Von Hertzberg and Cona the Destroyer. Olga was a charming, gentle Rottweiler, who brought up her children to be respectful, obedient citizens. She had won the hearts of everyone who met her, and will be sadly missed. God-speed, Olga. We will always love you.

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