Scott Fearn/Will Theakson pics 4 ilikepizza28

These are William Theakson. The first one is From the CBBC Drama, Ghosthunter, the second is PS, and the 3rd + 4th are autographs. I can't remember where the quote is from (I think it was a CBBC interview), but you're welcome to it! They're all saved as one clipboard image.

This is Scott Fearn: there's quite a difference!!! The JPA is the Talent Agency of both boys, Jackie Palmer. Both of these are autographs.


This is Sean when he was in Crambo! Have you heard, they're thinking of cutting Sean from the 3rd movie?

And just 4 you, here are some link buttons which are sort-of connected to any of your sites!!! (Sorry, I don't have any with Will or Scott on yet!!!)