Get Scrubbed Options
All you need to do is copy the HTML below and simply paste it in your Web page(s). Please do NOT alter the images as they have been fully optimized. Once you have added a link to us you will need to make sure your site is indexed ( or re-indexed) AltaVista, Infoseek (we STRONGLY suggest you send your list of URLs, one per line, to Each URL in the e-mail
must start with http://. They have some serious problems with their Add URL feature and in many cases will not even index your Web page. Take our word for it!) and HotBot, but ONLY after you add the HTML below. The more pages you add this code to the more pages you'll have included in our Search Our Friends option.
Option 1 -- Add a link(s) to our main page
Below is the most basic HTML necessary to be include in our Search Our Friends Option.
This Code:
<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">
<B>Scrub The Web</B></A>
Will Produce This:
Scrub The Web
Option 2 -- Add animated link(s)
To Produce This:

Copy the code from the box below and place it in your Web page.:
Then place the animate1.gif file on your server in the same location you put the HTML file at.
Or if you would rather have this:

Copy the code from the box below and place it in your Web page.:
Then place the animate2.gif file on your server in the same location you put the HTML file at.
Option 3 -- Add a graphical link and general search to your Web page(s).
To Produce This:
Copy the code from the box below and place it in your Web page.:
Then place the animate1.gif file on your server in the same location you put the HTML file at.
Copyright © 1997 - 1999 by A*B*S. All Rights Reserved.