I was regretting the past
And fearing the future
God was speaking: "My name is I am"
I waited.
God continued: "When you live in the past,
With its mistakes and regrets,
It is hard.
I am not there.
My name is not I was.
When you live in the future,
With its problems and fears,
It is hard.
I am not there.
My name is not I will be.
When you live in this moment,
It is not hard. I
am here.
My name is I Am"
I am the beginning of all things, the end of all things, in the midst of all things.
I was present at your birth;
I will be there at the end of your years and through all the days in between.
I Am ever present.
I am not only the God of your past and your future, but I am also the God of your present moment.
All that I have been and will be,
I am to you now.
You do not have to look at the coming year and wonder how you will get through it physically, emotionally, mentally, financially or spiritually.
I Am your life, health, strength, and supply.
I Am your source, your confidence, your victory!
Author unknown