
below is a selection of poetry, inspired by The Divine David, if you feel your own creative juices flowing why not contribute, it wont even cost you the price of a stamp!
simply click

Inside the Porn Bubble (Free Hair!)
By Gary Lee

Awfully sensible shoes
You have there
A detailed map
Of suntan hotspots

I'm beached

Punch me Judy

The Poem
By a0d

i lurk in the night like a foll

i have beatles spikes on my bowl.

In my hair is stored jiblets

from a nail varnished bambi, never born,

never wool, never plonker

A Truly Twisted Ditty
baron und

Twigs all blackened, leaves all dead,
Corpses stacked in garden shed.

Grandad wheezing in old wicker chair,
Dear old Granny has no hair.

The kitchen smells of stale old piss,
Just what did the social services miss.

Brussel sprouts now 3 months old,
Begin to move aided by mould.

Linoleum floor now stained and cracked,
Coffins all lined and polished and packed.

Cat lays kittens in granny's old wig,
Grandpa inserts a stale poisoned fig.

Glands all swell and Granny feels faint,
It crosses her mind "something I ate?".

There's an evil look in her husband's eye,
As long as you avoid his bright yellow sty.

With an almighty crash down goes Gran,
Taking with her hot frying pan.

Bacon and eggs now adorn floor,
Another chapter in this tale of gore.

So what's Grandad doing while all this takes place?
Removing the eyes from his dead wife's face!

With the fat old dear trussed up in a sack,
He's off down the garden, heading for the shack.

Alone once again in his smelly cold bed
Whilst his wife nice and comfy........
In the old garden shed ! ! !

Double D

Oh, Double D,
You make me so happy,

But you're not a Double D
In the same way as me.


MR D:     How shall we use this space?

STUDENT:  In the first place,
  Is the time real?

MR D:     Yes, feel, it's real

STUDENT:  And the chair..?

MR D:   It's really there,
  Like the air we breathe and share
  In this space

STUDENT:  But your face...
  Is that real?

MR D:     No, I'm made of bullshit.

A Limerick by Lorna

There was a young lady from Stroud,
and to Divine David she bowed,
She got bullied loads,
so she ripped off her clothes,
And she shouted "I'm gay and I'm proud!"

Rossy Wossy's Abstract Effort

show me the way to your
sometimes green lips
I want to run my fingers through your
tausled mane

 Darren Wheeelan & Roberto Muuuuurray

"Ode to a D.D."

Oh Divinest Dave
Your programme we do crave
Your make-up, clothes
Und that smile- who knows
Sure we'll be seein' ya soon
On your new shows!!!!

 Darren Wheeelan & Roberto Muuuuurray


OHHHH D.D we love your show
when we watch our faces do glow
your weeedeos are bleedin brill
and your stunning outfits give us a thrill
