
below lies a selection of musical endeavours, inspired by The Divine David, if you feel your own creative juices flowing why not contribute laughter, popular music songs, spoken word und other sound related things in the form of wav files, mp3s or real audio files (or other, Spike is an experienced audio fiddler, oh yes), it wont even cost you the price of a stamp!
simply click

simply choose which piece of audible art you wish to consume, click, wait und listen... beautiful!

a notage on the tune in the belowular area
should you wish, apres downloading und enjoying this malfunc constructssssion, to garner some more,
totter over to his very own mp3 page... here's a link:
please note that malfunc produce "short attention span experiments with intent"
und rightly so

"Roast Bikini Platter" by malfunc [2.24 Mb mp3]

a notage on the tunes in the belowular area
should you wish, apres downloading und enjoying these Nooz constructssssions, to garner some more,
totter over to his very own mp3 page... here's a link:
please note that Nooz "do not make electronic dance music they ARE electronic dance music"
isn't that gorgeous?

"Christmas Special: Part 3" by Nooz (aka a0x/d) [2.54 Mb mp3]

"DDDDDDD" by Nooz (aka a0x) [3.45 Mb mp3]
 "2-B-FEARD" by Nooz (aka a0x) [2.17Mb mp3]

"Mote-Way Flag" by Nooz (aka a0d) [1.16Mb real media]
