The Divine David: A Romance
Linny Raven

Linny nervously entered the back stage dressing room of the Royal Vauxhall Tavern, scarcely believing that she was to meet the Divine David, a man on a altruistic mission to bring the avant-garde to the masses. The handsomely impassive Jay Cloth kindly motioned her forward. There, reclining in the jacuzzi, was the Divine David himself. He looked exhausted. Linny realised how fully he must give of himself during his perfomances. How selfless he was to dedicate himself in this way so that others could learn to experience the worlds of contemporary dance, music and art.

"Come in do," the Divine David intoned in a languid voice, which she recognised must reflect many years of classical training. He was the most incredible man she had ever seen. Stripped of the stage make up, his blonde hair was fluffy and in need of combing, his face was creased with smile-lines. But these were small imperfections compared to his attractions. His deep grey and blue eyes, and finely chiselled mouth and jaw reminded her of a classical statue.

Linny felt her mouth go dry, and was relieved to sit down before her trembling legs gave way. She felt a fluttering in her chest, and wondered if she had inherited her father's heart problem. But no, it was just a silly case of nerves.

Jay Cloth poured champagne into elegant glasses. Linny reached for a glass just at the same time as the Divine David and their hands touched. He stared at her with his impassioned eyes for several seconds.

"I just wanted to say how much I admire your work..." Linny said faintly. She avoided his piercing blue/grey gaze and looked down. She toyed with the opal and sapphire band which she used to disguise her unmarried status.

The Divine David openly appraised her lovely face and figure. The shimmering emerald gingham green gown enhanced her curves, and the colour set off her eyes to perfection. With her auburn hair framing her high cheekbones and fair skin, she was easily the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Like a fairy, he thought fancifully, thinking of all the folk tales he had been raised on. She certain seemed to have some sort of magic spell on him, for he couldn't take his eyes off her.

Linny smiled despite herself. His warm glance made her feel cosy inside. There was something more too. As they sat together side by side, accidentally brushing elbows or knees as they shifted position, she felt a tremor of long-dormant desire shiver inside her.

Picking up on an unspoken telepathic communication, Jay Cloth wordless excused himself from the dressing room. Confusion and uncertainty raced through Linny's mind. She couldn't be in love with the Divine David. Love at first sight didn't happen except in romance novels. She tried to swallow past the lump in her throat, and manage just enough small talk to avoid any awkward silences.

The Divine David reached for her champagne glass, out it down and smiled. "Dance with me," he requested.

"But I don't hear any music."

"I do. Dance with me."

Linny coloured to the roots of her hair, but the champagne had made her feel more daring. The Divine David put his arm around her waist. He held her close, not too tightly, and rested his smooth cool cheek against her own blushing one. They circled around the floor slowly. Linny could feel the throbbing of his pulse in her hand as they moved in time together to the silent music of their hearts.

"This is all too sudden,." Linny thought aloud.

The Divine David cupped her chin with one hand and forced her to look into his eyes. "I'm sorry if I've frightened you. Oh yes...I'm scared too. I thought this really would be my last time on earth. But this could be a first chance at happiness..Isn't that lovely?"

Linny's eyes sparkled with unshed tears. "I want to believe you, but feelings can lie, can't they?"

The Divine David paused to consider her words, then shook his head. "Oh no... I believe that we're all born in the Garden of Eden. Bees have the honey humans have feelings. " He stooped to kiss her gently, as though her lips were a delicate rose. A wildfire sweetness coursed through her veins. At length the Divine David broke off the kiss. She believed him, for she knew him to be an intensely spiritual person.

Linny gently eased off her gingham gown revealing small but perfectly formed male genitals. "Ah, now I'm feeling something I'm a little more familiar with," said the Divine David.

"I have to pinch myself. I can't believe I'm here. It's so wonderful," Linny exclaimed as they reached mutual peaks of passion.

"Well, I've always believed that - if you've got a good butt - you can get anywhere"

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