A Fairytale...
Dissected by The Divine David

hello... I've just been reading a story, which I believe will interest you.

It concerns three goats somewhere in Berkshire, of varying sizes a small, a medium und a large. Now what the goats are attempting to do is to cross a river, utilising a wooden bridge. Now underneath the bridge, it's reported here, lives a big fat ugly troll and what'’ been happening is that a series of events has been unfolding namely…
 One, the smallest billy goat gruff attempted to cross the bridge, the troll remonstrated with him and said under no circumstances can I grant you permission and the little goat said “don’t eat me, eat my brother, he’s a little bit bigger than me and I think you’ll find him more rewarding in the flesh department”.
 So the medium sized billy goat gruff attempts to cross the bridge and again the big fat ugly troll says “NO, you can’t cross the bridge”, but the medium sized goat then says to the troll “don’t eat me because my elder brother, he’s got more flesh on him than even me”
 The third billy goat gruff is a really big… well a big fucker, really and the old troll, really hungry, wanting it, really desperate for all that goat flesh allows him to cross, which is rather nice isn’t it?
 But this story has a bit of a twist because the big billy goat then butts this ugly old troll using his horns and the troll goes up into the air and then goes down, down, down into the swirling water, and it wont come as any surprise, he did actually drown… he drowned, he died…
 And that meant that the three billy goats could live happily ever after and everything was nice and everything.

 And I think it’s a story that we can all draw quite a lot of strength from.

 The moral of this particular story would seem to say… that if you’ve got a good butt, you can get anywhere…
