a life in performance: the convoluted world of the lollipop lady or man...

"People that we remember from our childhood, people who stood there, all dressed in white, with a beautifyul lollipop in the air helping the small children to go from one side of the busy road to the other.
 The lovely lollipop man standing four-square so that arctics wouldn’t plough into the small children and would save them.
 Looking back over my life I have to say to the lollipop lady/man thankyou for saving my life continually with your two performances 8.15 in the morning and then a matinee later on in the afternoon, doing your performance and not getting any credit, nobody throwing roses to you.

So thankyou lollipop lady, lollipop man
You saved my little life
From being squashed under the wheels
Of an oncoming van
I lick you lollipop lady, lollipop man
Thankyou for preserving my life."

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