
I'm going to talk to you about rabbits.
If there is such a thing as reincarnation, I'd like to come back as a rabbit... they live such full lives; making love, writing novels, poetry, that sort of thing.
Oh yes, the world of the rabbit is a very fascinating and very beguiling place to be.
Who hasn't given succour to a small child who's pet rabbit perhaps has been savaged by next doors dog or a wayward fox.
They are more than just the trim on a parka hood, favoured by the mods and children from low income families.
They can be very rewarding creatures but one thing you must never do with rabbits and that is brush their fur up the wrong way, they hate being brushed up the wrong way...
Haven't they got lovely teeth?

Rabbits... the facts...


rabbits suffer very badly from wind, this is because they eat a lot of greens. The best way to alleviate your rabbit's wind is to squeeze it very tightly or puncture it lightly with a skewer.

fact number two

handle your rabbits... for a short time... often and regularly

number three

resist poking your rabbit in the eyes

fact number four

never pick a rabbit up by its ears...
they don't like it

fact five

clean your hutch out at least three times a year

fact six

a baby rabbit is called a kitten

fact seven

...and a doe if impregnated is with child for twenty eight days

...and that's the wonderful world of rabbits.
