the seaside

oh I do like to be beside the seaside
oh I do like to be beside the sea...

Humanity has created many splendid things but really surpassed itself when it brought us the English seaside town.

Many of the people at these seaside resorts have trekked for hundreds of miles.
As night falls on many British beaches people wend their way to try and find the mouth of sewage outlet pipes... and they feed.

Many seaside resorts are now surrounded by marijuana fields, these fields are heavily policed by the hill people.

Many British seaside resorts boast big wheels, note this one... no seats to sit in,
one has to cling on and spin round.

Dodgems, rollercoaster, big dipper, you name it, I know, for I am from the seaside, oh yes, the sea threw me up.

Where there is beauty, as we know, there's always danger, the danger comes through swimming in the sea here, many is the day where the beach just rings out with the screams of anguished parents, who see their child and lilo pulled down by chemicals and corrosive liquids,
oh yes.

Have you seen a horizon lately?

If you're feeling poorly, don't take a handful of tranquillizers and go to sleep, for the sea makes a pretty cruel nurse.

Expose your flesh and feel the...
sea breeze...
I'm in a state of...
on the very...
verge of achieving...
a shattering...

Come with me...

You can tell the tide anything and it will keep your secret.

The sea sings its song of desire, of love, of betrayal, of drowning.

sea, come to me...

and the sea created...
