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my site that's not like a box of chocolates
Friday, 4 July 2003
The World of Me.
Hi! [EDIT: When I was 11, I was such a moron that I gave out my real name, my place of residence, and my birthday. Yeah, I was pretty stupid back then.] My main interests are watching movies and reading boring books and that goes with movies as well...boring movies. They facinate me! I can't wait to see Charlie's Angels: Rise of the Machines. I heard it was very good. Guess so...but the problem is that I am a total pacifist like the singer MOBY or whatever his name is that I am against total violence. Probably I am getting too personal to myself. OK...I chose this blog because it was titled Watermelon. I have no idea why. I guess it's because it's green a red like a watermelon, but I've seen a yellow watermeloon before. Oh yeah, today I was wanting to eat the vietnese sandwich for the fourth of July but the store was closed because of that. Oh well, probably some other time. Yesterday I saw this very strange movie called The Love Letter that had Ellen Degeneres or whatever the spelling of her last name...she was the only one that I knew. That movie had no plot! That was first time I ever thought a move had not plot..hmmm! It's weird/stupid/unreasonable/no plot! Oh yeah, and I don't cuss/swear or whatever you prefer to call that. That's why I am against songs like: I'm With You, My World, ...Eminem Songs...etc. I am also aginst movies that have the "F" word in it. They are bad, but if they have a good storyline, I would forgive them. *whispers I HATE ALL PEOPLE WHO USUALLY SAYS BAD WORDS!* hehe. Well...happy 4th of July! I just heard 3 firework sounds yesterday. Don't they know fireworks are illegal here? Stupid people! *uh huh*

Posted by humanbeing_4 at 8:25 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 9 July 2007 1:43 AM EDT

Wednesday, 14 February 2007 - 10:13 PM EST

Name: "Fergies Lover. XD"

Lol, Marcy, you're calling for stalkers, man... try again in 2007 and maybe you can make a better blog. :-P

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