Smart Parts Shocker

Imagine this, you start flipping through a APG or a PSI and you get to the Smart Parts ad for there line of gear and clothing. You then flip the page and you see a satin black gun taking up the whole page. You say to your self “What heck is that?” Well, my friend that is the new Shocker Sport from Smart Parts. The Shocker Sport is Smart Parts answer to the super fast Angel. Even though the Shocker Sport has a Max rate of fire of 10 balls per second, the accuracy and range compensates for it. This review isn't going to be an essay like other reviews but more like an FAQ. I get really bored reading something thatgoes on and on so here goes.

What is a Shocker Sport?

Well, the Shocker Sport is a electropneumatic gun powered by an air source. The electronics in the gun is protected by a waxy plastic cover to guard the gun form shorting out during those rain and dust storms. The gun body is about 8inches long, 3.5 inches high, and 1.5 inches wide. The gun weights approx. 3.57 lb. with the reg. The gun body is a little bit higher than conventual guns but the user gets use to it fairly quickly. There are also two versions of the Shocker Sport, and they are the Shocker Sport 4x4 and the Shocker Sport S/F. The Shocker Sport 4x4 version is just semi automatic and the S/F version is with 3 round burst and full auto. The Shocker also comes with the famous Smart Parts 16” All American barrel. With the AA being the stock barrel it is tournament ready out of the box. When firing the gun it is so quiet that I had times when I was providing cover for a team mate they started yelling at me because they couldn't hear my gun firing.

Will it break down?

Yes, like all things it does break down. The thing with the Shocker Sport is that you have to take care of it. I have seen a lot of Shockers in bad shape because they are neglected and or not greased correctly. The Shocker Sport maintenance is a lot less than a Cocker but it needs and I stress NEEDs to be greased before every day before play. The Shocker is also very picky on what kind of lube you should use. The manual that comes with the gun suggests Dow33 silicone low temperature grease and I would suggest a dropor two of gold cup oil to make sure you got everything. The gun will last a long time as long as you don't get itchy and take apart all the electronics. If you do mess with it and you don't know what your doing you will mess up a $700 gun.

Is the gun for me?

The Shocker Sport is a high end gun meaning it costs lots of money to obtain and shoot. With the trigger being less than 2 mm and less than a pound of spring pressure any player can crank out 6-7 balls per second easily. You must buy good quality paint in order to get the super range and accuracy. I see my Shocker as a tool, with the right paint to barrel match I can place 10+ shotsthrough a 4 inch by 4 inch hole at 100 feet.

How does the Shocker work?

The shocker works off an air source, of either Co2 or N2. Even though the gun does work with N2 I wouldn't recommend it. The Shocker is a low pressure high volume gun. With the gun being low pressure of 180 psi it will not chop balls and you can shoot the most brittle paint out there without the fear of breaking. The high volume means that with every shot the gun uses about 50pounds of air to push the paintball at 280 feet per second. Back to the electronics, the computer circuit board of the gun controls the two solenoid. The solenoids are the valves of the gun. They are controlled by the computer circuit board by a set of timing switches which determine the speed of time of theopening and closing of the valves.SEE SHOCKER TIMING When you get the timing set you will not need to retime again.

Field Striping, Maintenance?

The gun isn't the fastest gun to field strip. You will need to purchase an adjustable wrench a large nosed flat head screw driver and a 3/8” Allen wrench. The main body of the gun is composed of 3 removable parts, the bolt, the firing cylinder, and the poppet. These parts can be removed by a flat head screwdriver and an adjustable wrench. Its as easy as 1,2,3 as once you get all the parts removed you can just grease everything and throw it back into the gun. The regulator can be taken apart with the 3/8” Allen wrench and all the components will come out once that lug has been taken out. It will take somebody about 10-15 min to completely take the gun apart and put it together again.


Pro-Extremely quiet and super accurate.
Pro-Really reliable once you get to know how to take care of the gun.
Pro-The shocker is beginning to get a lot of aftermarket parts of barrels, reg setups, and custom work.
Pro-With the super low pressure of 180 psi the gun will rarely break balls
Pro-The shocker uses co2 and no need for an expensive nitrogen system.

Con-The gun is a gas hog
Con-It is a bit heavy
Con-Needs a good amount of Maintenance.
Con-It takes a while to get use to the gun and to really know it.
Con-Not all Shockers perform perfectly out of the box but is easy to fine tune if you visit Shockers Owners Organization.

In conclusion the Shocker Sport is an ultra high performance gun. It will not let you down if you take care of it. I feel that the Shocker will and can out perform 90% of the guns out there, and with the right upgrades of barrels, powerfeed, and turbo board it is the only gun out there that can fire 11.2 balls per second continuously in semi mode until you run out of paint.