Topic: idiosyncratic egotism
OK. I admit it. Others with much larger reputations than I have been predicting the present times, at least for the last few years. Most recently, John Paul Jackson issued a prediction The Coming Perfect Storm in line with what I have been saying. Some of the other similar predictions are collected at the end of this article. Of course, I've been saying these things for years, too, but my voice isn't recognized. I even understand the reason my voice isn't recognized, and explained it on a web page nine years ago, under the title The Authoritarian (Opinion-Maker) Fallacy. Be that as it may, I now present the following pages and sites, some written by me years ago, others written by more widely recognized people more recently, a small sample of what is now a number of sites all pointing in the same direction:
My Pages
Prophecies for America, a collection of quotations from Bible prophecy
A warning against idolatry, first posted October 8, 2000, predicting economic collapse and explaining its real cause.
God says, Trust me with the frightening future.
Notes on the King of Babylon and the Peace of Jerusalem, first posted February 5, 2003, before the start of the Iraq war, explaining why the proposed war in Iraq could not succeed.
Other Christian Authors' Pages
Kim Clement, God says, "I will introduce myself starting in Wall Street and going through the Stock Exchange.
Dr. Sharon Stone, September will convince you that you must connect to His economic system.
Kim Clement's prophecy concerning Obama.
Secular Predictions
Financial Sense University, December 17, 2006,The United States is Insolvent
Recession is here, economist declares, Boston Globe, March 15, 2008.
McCain, "I Would Imagine We Are" in a Recession, The caucus, July 8, 2008.
USA Today Survey: We're in a Recession, Economists Say, April 28, 2008.
Global Water Shortage Looms in New Century
The Global Water Crisis and the Coming Battle for the Right to Water, Foreign Policy in Perspective.
I will attempt to gather other predictions of the same type and include them in posts over the next few weeks. The point of the exercise will be to discourage my readers from putting confidence in the election results or the bailout plan, but instead to put confidence in God. The present times could have been--and were--predicted by numerous people over a period of years. The warnings were ignored. Now the way out of the mess is exactly where it always has been, in God working through His Church, not in Washington (which seems incapable of reading the signs of the times, even when beaten over the head with the placard explaining them).