The Path Not Taken
By Noelerin

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Note: Is anyone out there? Sorry about my last note on my story, I was having a crappy day. I'd never do what I threatened, really. Forgive me?

It was a foggy morning and the sounds of the world waking up reached the ears of the young girl hiding behind the face of a rocky cliff. She shivered as the wind cut through her thin brown coat, chilling her to the bones. Her dark hair blew messily around her face, slapping her cheeks. The girl eyed the distance from herself to the boat below, in the distance she suddenly heard the sounds of her pursuers. Taking a deep breath, she leapt onto the ship, grabbing a hold of the rigging, then quickly climbed into the crow's nest. The ship floated out into the open ocean, the twelve year old girl finally let her guard down and her tears coursed down her cheeks.

*"So you finally showed up. It's been four years since I sent you out. You didn't do what I told you to, did you? You are no child of mine."

*"But daddy, I couldn't. He didn't deserve that, just for being good."

*"Silence. Because of your stupid, thoughtless action, I am in danger, my boss will be furious and it is all your fault. I should have sent your sister, she knows how to obey orders. You! Get out of my sight." His quiet voice bit into her mind.

*She quivered before her father, shaking. "I didn't know. I didn't mean any harm."

*"Get out!" He shot a bolt of witch fire at her and she ran.

She forced that memory away, trying to focus on the matter at hand. The crew below was busy tying things down and preparing to move out. "Doubar!" She peeped over the side again and saw a young teenager turn towards the man she assumed was Captain.

"Sir?" His tawny colored hair glinted in the sunlight, blue eyes squinted into the light. He was a big man, but a gentle one.

"Take the first watch up in the nest." He nodded and climbed up.

The girl tried to hide herself in her cloak, praying that he wouldn't see her. A prayer that wasn't answered when she saw his eyes widen as they met hers. She shook her head, eyes wide in a silent appeal. Her voice was quiet but full of fear, "Please, don't give me away. They'll take me back and I can't go back."

Doubar silently handed her half of his bread, which she wolfed down. He asked quietly, "Who are you?"

"Thanks, I was hungry. Please, don't make me tell you. You might get into trouble." She shivered and her stomach growled. Doubar smiled at her and handed her the rest of his bread, over her token objection. He saw his younger brother come up on deck and look up at him, he nodded almost imperceptibly and Sinbad started climbing up. "Who did you nod at?"

He was surprised by her perception. "My brother, Sinbad. I'm Doubar, welcome aboard the Adventurer. And I won't get into any trouble. Please, trust me."

By this time, Sinbad was looking over the side. "Who are you talking to, big brother?" Doubar just nodded to the little stowaway. "A little brown mouse?" His midnight blue eyes teased her, trying to make the shadows fly. She smiled a little uncertainly and rubbed her arms.

"Could you bring up some more food and a heavy blanket? It's for her." Doubar whispered to Sinbad as he gestured to the girl. Sinbad quickly climbed down and came back up a few minutes later.

Her eyes widened when she saw the luxurious green blanket and the food. "Oh, I couldn't."

Doubar shushed her gently as they wrapped her in the blanket and spread the food before her, "How did you get Zeeken to give you so much?"

"I told him it was for you." Doubar raised an eyebrow, "Actually, he saw her jump aboard and told Aiden."

"So, that's why I was told to come up." As she listened to the conversation, her eyes widened as something occurred to her.

Placing a hand on Doubar's arm, she asked. "Are you going to get in trouble because of me?"

Before Doubar could answer, Sinbad said. "No, of course not." She looked doubtful, "Trust us."

"That's right. You're causing us no trouble." He turned back to Sinbad. "What did Zeeken say about her?"

"They are going to get all the guys to go below, when they do I'm supposed to take her down and hide her." He shook his head, "I just don't know where."

"Captain have no suggestions?"

"Nope, he just doesn't want the crew to know about her. Just who is she anyway? What's she done?"

"I don't know." They turned to look at her and were startled to see her sleeping sitting straight up, her head falling at an odd angle. "That can't be too comfortable."

"It's going to be even worse when we have to climb down from here." The crew was called below and Sinbad gently shook their young passenger. "Hey, sleepy head. We've got to go, you can sleep later."

Her dark eyes flew open and a look of absolute terror filled them, she almost screamed, "It's us, remember? Doubar and Sinbad."

"Sorry. I thought they'd found me."

"Who?" Doubar asked.

"No, I've said too much." The look in her eyes stopped their questions. Sinbad extended a hand and waited patiently while she stumbled to her feet. Then he helped her climb down the rigging, "Hey, don't look down."

"What?" She flashed a look at him.

"I said don't look down, it's bad luck." She laughed softly, shaking her head in disbelief. "No, seriously. If you look down, you'll fall and then I'll have to rescue you. I'm only fourteen, saving damsels in distress isn't something I'm trained for yet."

This time she couldn't hold back her laughter and it rang out. Luckily the sound of the waves and men's voices covered it. She clamped a hand over her mouth, looking at Sinbad sheepishly, "Sorry."

He smiled and took her hand, leading her below and into the Captain's office. "It's all right, they would have thought it was a good sign from Poseidon. We're going to Baghdad." Sinbad hesitated, "Would you please trust me? Tell me what's wrong."

"I can't. I don't understand what's wrong. It's something that I did, I think."

"What could a young girl like you do that's so bad?" He exclaimed.

"I didn't do something that my father told me to, I couldn't. It was wrong, what he asked me to do but he's in trouble because I didn't do it."

"What was it?" She looked at him and shook her head, "then at least tell me your name. I can't keep calling you, well, you."

"Bryn, my name's Bryn." She chuckled, "And you've only ever addressed me as a brown mouse!"

"True." They exchanged shy smiles, then there was a knock on the door and the fear came flooding back into her eyes. The door opened and in walked Captain Aiden.

"Ah, Sinbad. So good to see you and you friend, Bryn." He nodded at Sinbad's whisper, "Please, make yourself at home." He sat behind his desk and charted their course. Sinbad nodded at Bryn and then walked out to do his chores.

She looked at the Captain uncertainly, then decided that she liked what she saw. She sat quietly in a corner, her knees drawn up under her chin; within a few minutes she was sound asleep. Aiden looked over at her and smiled; he picked her up gently and put her down on a small cot, covering her with the green blanket Sinbad had brought for her.

Within a matter of weeks they arrived at Baghdad, Sinbad and Doubar took the young Bryn to see Master Dim-Dim. She'd lost the rather lost look from her earlier days but the fright remained in them. Walking through the town, Bryn clung to Doubar's comforting presence and listened to Sinbad's cheery talk. "Oh, you'll love Dim-Dim. He's the greatest, he raised Doubar and I."

"And look how well we turned out." Doubar grinned as she looked at him, he was happy to see an answering twinkle in their depths.

Suddenly she was pulled quite roughly away from them by one of the ugliest men she'd ever seen. "Well, look what I've got. A charming, little wench."

"I'd take your hands off the lady." Doubar said as he handled his sword, Sinbad took a fighting stance. Bryn aimed a sharp blow at her captor's shin, he uttered a curse as he released her and his men laughed.

"I don't think she likes you, Korin."

"Yes. The little cat seems to have rather sharp claws."

Korin brushed himself off and glared at his friends, "I said, you're coming with me." He made a grab at her, but Sinbad intercepted his hand and cracked his wrist.

"I don't think she wants to go with you." Sinbad looked at the man as he bent over his wrist.

Korin said, "Get them, they're just punk kids." Four men rushed Sinbad and Doubar raced into the fray. Two others went after Bryn who slugged one in the stomach. As he bent over in pain, she flipped over him and kicked the other man in the face. Sinbad planted a sharp right on one while ducking the second's fly away punch. He used that one's momentum to knock them both down.

Doubar hit the blond on the chin and he went flying into the last one standing. Then Doubar emptied a casket of ale on them. "Oh, what a waste of good ale. Thank you, my good man." He tossed the inn keeper a couple of gold coins.

They walked up to Korin, "I think you'd better find a new occupation. Kidnapping women just isn't your forte." They left him, surrounded by his unconscious friends. There was a scream of warning behind them but before they could react, a young Moorish man unleashed one of his daggers and knocked the stone from Korin's hand. "Thank you."

The Moorish man nodded and faded into the crowd, moving silently back into the crowd. By the time the magistrate arrived with his men, he was gone. "Thank you. Korin has been stirring up trouble here for some time. There should be a handsome reward for you at the palace."

"No reward is necessary. We were just doing what anyone else would, sir, to help keep the peace." Sinbad shook his hand.

"You've got a good heart, Sinbad." Bryn whispered, then mentally slapped herself for acting like a love sick fool.

They walked on and soon came to the palace where they went straight to a rose covered cottage. The cheery exterior made Bryn smile, they walked in and sat on the couch in the corner. She looked around the room, examining its interior. The magic books littered the room, there was a peace in the room that soothed her troubled spirits.

"Hello, my children. And who is your young friend?" She looked up at the kind voice. The man that stood in the doorway was of medium height, had the kindest eyes, and a jolly countenance.

"This is Bryn. She…" Sinbad trailed off at Dim-Dim's sharp gasp. Master Dim-Dim walked over and pulled Bryn to her feet, looking at her in the sunlight. He took a cloth from off a shelf and wiped the grim away from her face, studying her and seeing the faint bruises on it.

"You resemble your mother, child. In your eyes and in your heart, but you are afraid." Looking into his eyes, Bryn felt truly safe for the first time in four years. "I'll take you to my wife, she will take care of you."

"Wait a minute. You know each other?" Doubar asked.

"No. I know her mother and of her situation, this is the first time she's ever seen me." Dim-Dim held up a hand. "Please, be patient. Sit down, my wife is leaving shortly and Bryn must go with her." Dim-Dim returned alone a few minutes later, "Now, how much do you know?"

"Only her name and the fact that she blames herself for what happened to her."

"You never told me that, Sinbad."

"Never mind that now, Doubar. Bryn's story is not mine to tell, I wish I could. What I can tell you is that her fear is justified, she is in terrible danger and so are you, Sinbad." He paused, waiting for their reaction and continued when they remained silent. "Though you don't know her story, what you do know is enough for her enemies to seek you out."

"Why is Sinbad in danger and not me?"

"She trusted Sinbad with her name and told him a little of her story." Dim-Dim hesitated, "He is also part of the reason she's in danger."

"But I've never seen her before! How could I be the cause of her troubles?" Sinbad stood up and started to pace the room. "And if you can't tell me why, why did you tell me I'm somewhat to blame?"

"I told you because you are going to join Bryn, it's for your own good. Doubar will stay here to give an appearance that everything is normal." Sinbad looked at his big brother and wondered when he would see him again, but he'd learned long ago to trust in Dim-Dim.

Soon he found himself beside Bryn on their way to the Isle of Dreams. After a few days of their journey, Sinbad sought Bryn out. He was concerned because she wouldn't look at him or talk to him. In fact, she looked like she'd seen the Grim Reaper. "Hey. Where's the funeral?"

She reluctantly smiled, "No. You're not going to make me laugh, I got you into this and I feel terrible."

"Ah, so that's it."

"Yeah, now you'll never finish your hero training."

They laughed, then looked at each other, "Don't feel bad. The Isle of Dreams is a rare island, anything you imagine is possible, so we'll have many adventures."

"Are you sure you aren't upset with me?" He nodded, the ship lurched under their feet, knocking them down. "Was that normal?"

"Not to the best of my knowledge." He frowned slightly and got up, then offered her a hand up. Together they sought out the captain but were thrown off balance once more. Out of nowhere a roaring storm had swept up. They saw Caipra through the press of people and Bryn struggled to her feet, turning around, she offered Sinbad a hand up. Pushing their way through the crowds towards Caipra, struggling to remain on their feet as the ship rolled wildly beneath them, Bryn suddenly, and without warning, buckled under an invisible weight. "Bryn!"

Her hand slipped limply out of his and she slid towards the edge of the ship. Sinbad made a desperate leap towards her and caught her hand in his, Caipra held her breath as he pulled her up. Unfortunately, a sailor bumped into him and they both tumbled off the ship. Upon hitting the water, Bryn's limp body floated away and Sinbad quickly swam after her. "Come on, Bryn, wake up." He was struggling to stay afloat as the storm churned the water around him, he reached out a hand and held onto her.

Caipra saw them and turned her attention to the cause of the storm, "No, not today. You shall not win their lives today." Instead of trying to attack the storm, she focused on the cause of it. The sudden calming of the storm signaled her victory, this time. *You have won, this time. Don't get cocky, there will be other battles.

Bryn was aware of nothing except a dark, empty feeling inside. The water around her embraced her like an old friend. Through the fog in her mind, she heard a voice calling her and she reached out to it. Suddenly, she was sinking and her arms instinctively swung out and hit something, hard. "Hey, it's me. Sinbad."

"Sinbad?" She opened her eyes, then looked around. "What are we doing in the water?"

"You fainted, mind telling me why?" They swam towards the ship, climbing the rope up.

"The storm was created by someone who was sent to kill me. Are you sure you want to be around me now?"

"Sure. What's a little danger between friends." Smiling, they walked over to Caipra, who smiled back at them.

"Everything as it should be?" They nodded, "Good. Bryn, I'm going to need your help in getting us a good wind."

"But I only know the dark arts, how can that help you?" She was confused. "I mean, how can the dark arts be used for good."

"Many of the spells are the same, it is the manner in which they are used that makes them good or bad." She looked doubtfully at Caipra, "Trust me."

"I seem to be hearing that an awful lot lately." She observed.

Sinbad grinned, "And it hasn't led you wrong so far, has it?" She shook her head, smiling reluctantly. "Then just do it."

She nodded and walked with Caipra to the prow of the ship. Sinbad walked towards the Captain to offer his help. "He's got a good head on his shoulders. Now, relax and trust me." Bryn relaxed in the shelter of Caipra's arms and let her voice guide her natural abilities. Together they created a gentle wind that carried them away from Baghdad and towards the Isle of Dawn.

"I did it!" The crew smiled at the happy young lady. The journey was soon over and they quickly moved onto the island. Over the years, Bryn grew in her powers and the friendship between her and Sinbad deepened. On the morning of his twentieth birthday, he awoke to a cheery "Happy birthday, Sinbad." Bryn kissed his cheek as she handed him a box. Not for the first time in their relationship, Sinbad felt a stab of attraction for his chum. He reminded himself that this was Bryn, his fellow adventurer, partner in crime, and all around good buddy, never mind the fact that she was a very lovely woman.

He sat up and opened the box, in it lay a cover for his knife. "Thanks, I've been meaning to fix mine." He hugged her briefly.

"Get up, sleepy head. Caipra has a surprise for you." She bounced out of the room and Sinbad shook his head, then tossed off the covers and stretched.

He walked into the main hall and followed the sound of voices into the main dinning hall. He was surprised to hear a familiar voice, "Doubar!" Instantly the brothers were embracing, "I'm glad to see you but I can't breath."

"Happy birthday, little brother." Boomed his brother, "My, how you've grown. You've become a man."

"How about me?" Doubar turned and saw Bryn.

"My goodness, look at you! You've become quite an attractive lady." He swung her into a giant bear hug, which she enthusiastically returned.

"But what are you doing here?" Sinbad asked after greeting all the Adventurers.

"Having a party, my boy. And issuing you an invitation to rejoin our merry little band." Aiden said. Caipra looked at Bryn, who had a rather stunned expression on her face.

Sinbad himself was startled, "But what about Master Dim-Dim? He said that I was in great danger. And what about Bryn?"

"You have grown up, now you are able to defend yourself better." Bryn nodded in agreement at Aiden's words.

Caipra interrupted, "Bryn still has much to learn and will remain here." Sinbad's eyes met hers and he saw the sadness, but also a peace there. The business being taken care of, the party began at full swing.

Sinbad danced a few dances with Ellice and Fallon before making his way to Bryn. He cut into her dance with Rafi, "Are you sure about this?" He looked at her lovely face and wondered what it would be like to not see it everyday.

"Sinbad, you put you're life on hold long enough and I really appreciate it. But this is right, this is what you need to do. I'll always be here, I promise. You're my best friend, and the first person I've ever really trusted." Her mind reflected on the past few years, they were the happiest she'd ever known. Her face shadowed as she remembered how she came to meet him in the first place.

He quickly interpreted the looks flashing across her face, and shoved his own doubts and fears aside. "Bryn, you've always been honest with me and I appreciate it. But I have to know, will you ever tell me your whole story?"

"Maybe someday, Sinbad. Right now I can barely bring myself to think about it." She sighed and put her head on his shoulder. Sinbad nodded in understanding, there were things in his life he couldn't think about because of the pain.

The party went throughout the rest of the day and well into the night. Many of the Adventurers were thrilled to meet Bryn, they had suspected something was up on that voyage long ago. "That was quite an amazing leap you made, my dear." Bryn turned around and met Zeeken's kind eyes.

"And that was quite a feast you sent up for me." She shyly accepted his hand as he led her onto the dance floor. Something about this man made her trust him.

"Aiden was right, you are a sweetheart." He teased, then he went on seriously, "but you won't tell me why you took such a risk." He looked at her, she reminded him of someone but who?

"I'll only say that it was safer on an unknown vessel than where I was before." She sighed, and looked around.

"But," Zeeken interrupted, "this isn't celebration talk. So let's talk about what a lovely island this is, and how fair the women are." He went onto exaggerate the charms and beauties found here. "If I had known, I'd have visited sooner."

She giggled, "Oh, stop it."

While they danced, Doubar and Sinbad talked. "So, how has life treated you and the little lady?"

"It's been interesting. She's changed ever since coming here, it's like her soul broke free. Bryn's one of the best ladies I know."

"And you?"

"Me? You mean about Lea? It still hurts, I still think about what could've been." He looked out at the moonlit beach, "I know that I couldn't have stopped her death anymore than I could stop the tide from coming in but…" Doubar nodded understandingly.

Sinbad decided to go walking along the shore, the noise in the room was deafening. He'd been gone for at least ten minutes before Caipra and Bryn came in with a cake. They looked around the room, then Bryn walked over to Doubar. "Where's Sinbad?"

"He needed some fresh air, I think he feels overwhelmed by all of this." Doubar waved a hand around the room, "and the fact that he's leaving."

"Yeah, he hinted about it earlier." Bryn sighed, "I should have realized when he brought it up during our dance." *Where I turned the conversation to myself. What kind of friend am I not to listen to him when he needed most? "I'll go find him."

She walked along the beach and finally found him by the caves, staring out at the sea. "What's up, birthday boy?"

He looked up at her and the look in his eyes froze her heart, there was such pain and loneliness within them. "Nothing."

"No. Don't you nothing me. You look as though you'd lost your best friend, Doubar's worried, and you are out here when a group of your friends are in there. So don't you dare say nothing to me."

Sinbad reluctantly smiled, "Quite a bobcat when you're angry, aren't you?" He sighed, "It's just that I don't know. I should be thrilled, over the moon to be sailing the seas once more but I'm not." He ran his fingers through his already messy hair.

She sat down, "And you're afraid that something will happen to separate us as friends." He nodded, a little surprised that she knew. "So am I. There is no way of knowing what the future will bring, but I do know that" she grinned impishly, "everything has its purpose." They finished together.

"I know that, but it doesn't make me feel any better."

"Nor does it make you feel any worse." Bryn leaned against his shoulder and looked up, "That's it!"

"What's it?" Sinbad was confused.

"That star. Whenever we feel alone, or just need to remember, we'll look to that star. Maybe then we won't feel so far apart because in a sense we'll still be together."

"Bryn, you're a genius! It'll be our special remember star." He felt so much better, and yet he was still unsure. "You'll never forget, will you?"

"I won't, will you?" She grabbed his hand and held it.

"Never." Still they were afraid, for six years they'd been together, they had done so much, now the future wasn't clear, and all they had was a star and a promise to hold them close. They went inside the darkened house, "Guess the party's over and we missed it, huh?"

Suddenly the candles flashed on and there were yells of "SURPRISE!" A chorus of happy birthday was sung and then the cake was brought out. Sinbad's eyes widened as he looked at the cake. Doubar lit the candles, "Now make a wish and blow them out."

Sinbad looked around the room, eyes filled with unshed tears. Everyone that mattered to him was in that room, what more could he possibly wish for? His eyes fell on Bryn, his heart wished for one thing, *I wish that we could be together for always. He blew out the candles and passed around pieces of cake. They departed on the morning tide.

The End

Sequel's on its way.

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