º J E F F Y º

           NAME: Jeff Lu
           NICKNAME: Jeffy
           AGE: 18
           LOCATION: Davis
           SEX: Male
           BIRTHDAY: 09/15/84
           NATIONALITY: Asian, Chinese
           MARITAL STATUS: Single
           SCREEN NAME: lonekatana
           EMAIL ADDRESS: Enzo519@attbi.com
           CLASS OF: '02 baby
           SCHOOL MASCOT: Aggie? O_o
           MAJOR: Biological System Engineering
           REGRET IN HIGH SCHOOL: certain people who even now have yet to grow up
           RELIGION: Buddhism
           GOOD HABITS: stay clean, don't miss when i go to the bathroom (reference to the bathroom conditions in my suite -_-;)
           BAD HABITS: lazy, occasionally late, apparently have a tendency to bruise some people -_-;
           LIKES: sleep, food, friends, hanging out, going 120, assorted weapons, smoothies
           DISKLIKES: punks, wannabe badasses, papaya fruit, finals
           HOBBY: GLOWSTICKING!, badminton, martial arts, exercising, CG art
           OF YOUR FRIENDS, WHO WILL MARRY FIRST: andrew the pimp, haha
           FAVORITE COLOR: blue
           FAVORITE MOVIE: Undecided, too many
           FAVORITE SONG: Darude - Sandstorm ; Overplayed yes, but a classic that anyone can rave to
           FAVORITE FOOD: anything but DC food looks pretty good
           FAVORITE CAR: Undecided
           FAVORITE SHOW: N/A
QUOTE: "I don't hit people. Birdies hit people."
LESSON ON LIFE: take a moment to ask yourself what really matters in your life
LESSON ON LOVE: you cannot make someone else love you. rather, make yourself able to be loved by someone else
WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO SAY HERE: Props and thanks to Jen ^_^