Application Contact:

Nancy D. Moncrief, Director
Graduate Business Admissions & Services
Georgetown University
School of Business
Washington, D.C. 20057

學生人數 423 錄取者GMAT平均 619
女性百分比 40% 錄取者GMAT範圍 540-700
外籍百分比 27% 錄取者GPA平均 3.2
兼職學生 none 錄取者GPA範圍 2.7 - 3.7
平均年齡 27 學費(一年) $19,600
錄取率百分比 40% 生活費(一年) $8,000
錄取者註冊率 40% 平均年起薪(美金) $70,000
TEL:202-6874200 FAX:202-6877809 or 4031
Elaine Romanelli / management John Dealy / management
H. Jeff Smith / telecommunications Thomas Donaldson / ethics
Kasra Ferdows / manufacturing Alan Mayer-Sommer / acctg
Annette Shelby / mgt communications Bardia Kamrad / statistics
Robert Bies/ organizational behavior Eugene Salorio/ management

There is life beyond Wall Street, with an MBA. There are so many different ways that you can do what you want to do. It's Georgetown MBA that prepares its graduatesfor a wider diversity of careers in a much more humane way.
-- Claire L. Muldoon --Georgetown MBA Alumna (1984)
Deputy Director, Office of Policy and Program Development

Smithsonian Institution十五年前,第一批喬治城MBA入學(只有37名學生)。八年前,它通過了AACSB的認可。一九九五年,散佈在全球各地的校友累積到一千人,而此校也首度進入全美B-Schools的『明日之星(top 40)』。

喬治城MBA以國貿(international business)起家。至今它的國貿仍是最強的一個領域。近年來校方為了衝高排名,刻意提高入學的GMAT標準,使得入學者的GMAT 平均高達 620!光看這一項記錄,你可能誤以為喬治城B-School進入了top 20、或者它是一所十分重定量的B-School。然而正確答案卻是:以上皆非!

近年來,喬治城 MBA新生中超過半數畢業自社會科學方面的科系,畢業自人文科學方面科系的也佔了百分之十五,真正理工背景的學生卻是如鳳毛麟爪。如果你自認屬於『科學怪傑、數理奇才』一類的,GMAT又考了620以上,你該試試 M.I.T. 的 Sloan、卡耐基•美隆、或 Purdue,千萬別誤申請喬治城!喬治城B-School除了國際貿易,有關政府(government)方面的議題也是拿手絕活。其他諸如:會計、行銷、生產、公共政策 .... 亦都齊全。這些領域以『全球化(globalized)』為重點,反應了喬治城B-School的最大特色 -- 國際化!每年錄取新生中有四分之一來自海外,至少四分之三以上的學生能操英文以外的另一種語言,或曾經有海外居住的經驗。若你覺得 B-School的國際色彩還不夠濃,那麼喬治城校園中還有阿拉伯、東亞、拉丁美洲、蘇俄 .... 等等各國、各民族研究所,提供你一切有關『國際化』的背景和知識。

第一年有十門必修課要修。第二年除了三科必修,你還至少要選六門選修課。在這個年僅十五的年少B-School中,選修課的種類也只有區區三、四十門。近年來校方已開始加速增加選修課的腳步,其中一個辦法,是用半個學期(也就是module的方式)來上一門課,以增加課程的種類,並提供學生更大的選修空間。這樣的課程目前有:日式管理(Japanese management)和國際營運(international operations)。

喬治城MBA雖然只有短短不到二十年的歷史,但它所在的建築物卻是全美國最古老的一幢校舍,稱為Old North。遠在一七九五年大廈落成後,不知道有多少美國總統曾駕臨此地。一七九七年美國國父喬治•華盛頓(George Washington)繞樑的餘音未散,一九九四年比爾•克林頓(Bill Clinton)的笑聲就已響起。原來,在最古老的校舍中,孕育的竟是美國最年輕、最優秀的一個B-School。

喬治城就是這麼一個擁有歷史、也擁抱未來的B-School。在進入二十一世紀以前,它預計每年將畢業兩百名以上的MBA,並衝進全美商業排名top 20!在一切講求軟性、凡事務求國際化的今天,以軟性和國際化為訴求的喬治城B-School要達到這個目標,顯然是可預見的。


I came to Georgetown for the international aspect of the MBA Program. The School has a strong international profile and image, and there are many foreign students. My classmates come from all over the world. I've become very good friends with somebody from Mexico, and talking business with him has given me another angle. It's confirmed my views that things are done differently in other countries and that there are other aspects of business to learn than the basics of theory.

An essential part of the Georgetown MBA experience is learning to work together in groups. During the first year, we had ample opportunity to learn how to function as part of a team. For example, more effort was spent initially trying to adapt to different work styles, perspectives, and habits than on actually completing a project. Working in groups taught all of us valuable lessons in managing group conflict, communicating effectively, and allocating time and resources efficiently.

With the wealth of American history blended with so many foreign flavors, Georgetown and Washington D.C. offer exactly what I wanted for me and my family. Most places of interest in D.C. are free, convenient, and of interest to a family -- the Smithsonian Institute, galleries, the National Zoo, and numerous monuments. In addition to the local attractions, there are other nearby places of interest that make great day or weekend trips -- the Chesapeake Bay and seashore, Monticello, Williamsburg, the Shenandoah Valley, to name a few. As a business student, there is no city in the world that can offer the extra- curricular education found in Washington, D.C.