Application Contact:
Sandra Kelzenberg
MBA Office
University of Minnesota
Curtis L. Carlson School
of Management
271 19th Avenue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455

學生人數 1,373 錄取者GMAT平均 600
女性百分比 30% 錄取者GMAT範圍 410-760
外籍百分比 20% 錄取者GPA平均 3.2
兼職學生 1,085 錄取者GPA範圍 2.1 - 4.0
平均年齡 27.5 學費(一年) $12,700
錄取率百分比 48% 生活費(一年) $5,000
錄取者註冊率 45% 平均年起薪(美金) $48,250
TEL:612-6240006 FAX:612-6267785
Bruce Erickson / management Ken Roering / marketing
James Gahlon / finance Mike Stutzer / finance
Norman Chervany / decision sciences Arthur Hill / operations
George John / marketing Sal March / decision sciences
Akshay Rao / marketing Bob Schmidt / operations
We went out to the marketplace, listened to our customers and designed what's needed for business training into the next century. This is a monumental step for business education in the United States. Our program is one of the most forward-looking and exciting MBA programs in the country.
David Kidwell, Dean, Carlson School, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

明尼蘇達大學的 B-School 以其捐贈者,一個明尼蘇達州的企業家 Curtis Carlson 命名。Carlson 不是艾科卡,明尼蘇達大學也不是哈佛。多年來,明尼蘇達大學管理學院(Carlson School)一直不能進入全美國商業排名的前二十。原因之一,百分之六十以上的學生來自本州。原因之二,更高比例的畢業生留在本州發展。如此強的區域性,使Carlson School一直打不開全國性的知名度。

面對這樣的現實,Carlson 的新任教務長David Kidwell 坦然地說:我們的目標不在全美國的 top 20,我們拼的是州立大學中的 top 5。然而你扳起手指頭來數:印地安那、密西根、加州大學洛杉磯、加州大學柏克萊、德州大學奧斯汀、北卡大學教堂山 ....,數到這裡,明尼蘇達的Carlson 再拼也只能拼個『第七名』了!

除了教授們熱衷6研究,冷落學生之外,Carlson School的一切都還令人滿意。一九九三年課程全面翻新,除了加入整合性的課程外,也加強與雙子城企業界的互動。以兩年的課程來說,第一年的第一個學季是四門『基礎性』必修課:data analysis、managerial economics、behavioral science、financial accounting。第二個學季再上五門『功能性』的必修課:marketing、finance、human resources、operations、information systems。第三、第四個學季則是軟性必修課:leadership、ethics、quality、managing change、international business 等等。

第二年除了field projects是必修外,其餘均為選修。field projects是與雙子城當地企業界合作的實用性課程,深獲學生的好評。在十四週的修課期間,學生依自身的興趣選擇企業,參加真實的企業團隊運作,並提出報告和成果。Carlson School與企業界的連繫還不止於此。

九二年教授們合開一個名為 "Nexus: Research Meets the Real World" 的 workshop,是一門將教授的研究立刻應用到真實企業界的課程。同年還開辦一個類似南美以美大學Cox School 的企業導師制度,由一個自願的當地企業主代領四個學生,進入真實世界中驗證課堂上所學的知識和理論。

雖然是典型的州立大學,Carlson 儘量避免州立大學『僵化』與『官僚』的作法,以求彈性與高效率。對於具商學院背景的申請者,一律鼓勵他們直接進入一年的課程,也就是免掉第一年的必修部份,直接進入 field projects 與選修。因此,這些人在一年之內就能取得MBA學位。

七年前,當地的食品業巨擘Pillsbury 被轉手賣給英國的公司後,Pillsbury 新到任的英國總裁蒞校演講:『Carlson 是個內陸的、區域性的 B-School。就像雙子城一般,是個內陸的、區域性的都會區。』七年後,翻開 Carlson 最新的MBA Brochure,你還是找不到一個主修的領域叫做:international business。畢竟,無論從東岸還是西岸入關,來自亞洲的你,都得飛越大半個美洲大陸之後,才能降落在這個內陸的都會區。倘若你對MBA教育的期望是培養一個『國際視野(global view)』,你應該考慮申請別校。除非,你的國際視野指的正是『美國本土』!

以區域性的學校來說,Carlson 的畢業生可算是天之驕子。光是雙子城當地的企業,就足夠他們挑三撿四。唯一可能發生的問題,就是當地企業願意付的起薪普遍不高。終究,還是那句老話,『這裡不是紐約、波士頓,你們也不是哥倫比亞或哈佛的畢業生!』

I was especially impressed with Carlson School's field projects. In the field project I experienced a different industry, broader functional areas and high-profile strategic management decision making. It was like creating our own case study, determining what we needed to know and how to get it, then performing primary and secondary marketing research and analysis in order to identify market opportunities.

Our greatest strength and weakness are the students themselves. They are always willing to cooperate and function as teams. However, they also are too apathetic. I expected to work until 2 a.m., five nights a week, to keep up; to be constantly challenged by my peers; to have informal case discussion groups outside of class. Many of my classmates didn't. I think the school can reduce the apathy by making courses more challenging and by getting rid of grade inflation. If a third of the students were going to get C grades, they would be more motivated to work harder.

The program is very personalized. Professors and administrators know most students by their first names. With only 150 new students admitted each year, students have a chance to get to know a lot of people. It is a very tight-knit community that I believe serves as a strong support system for students.