Application Contact:
Lee Cunningham
MBA Admissions Coordinator
University of Notre Dame
College of Business Administration
109 Hurley Center, Room 109
Notre Dame, Indiana 46556

學生人數 283 錄取者GMAT平均 578
女性百分比 26% 錄取者GMAT範圍 420-730
外籍百分比 25% 錄取者GPA平均 3
兼職學生 none 錄取者GPA範圍 2.0 - 3.9
平均年齡 25 學費(一年) $17,500
錄取率百分比 63% 生活費(一年) $5,000
錄取者註冊率 44% 平均年起薪(美金) $49,250
TEL:219-2378671 FAX:219-6318800
James Schrager / entrepreneurship Frank Reilly / finance
Stephen Dee / marketing James Davis / strategy
James O'Rourke/mgt communication Neil Beckwith / marketing
Lee Tavis / finance Jim Wittenback / accounting
Donald Fehrs / finance Raphael Tenorio / economics

An insightful thinker once described the "cultivated mind" as one distinguished by three qualities: It is a mind that is (1) conceptual, (2) discriminating, and (3) humane. The University of Notre Dame offers each of us the rare opportunity to try to develop these qualities in ourselves.
William L. Wilkie, Marketing Professor University of Notre Dame MBA Program

在一門叫做『深入都市(Urban Plunge)』的課堂裡,MBA學生魚貫地進入有著四十呎厚城牆的印地安那州立監獄,體驗坐電椅、關監牢的滋味。他們與犯人說話、和獄卒聊天,試著瞭解在天堂與地獄之間,還有一群被上帝遺忘、受天使詛咒的人類存在。除了監獄,他們還必須到附近都會區的社福中心(Social Welfare Center)與流浪者之家(Homeless Shelter)觀摩學習。這些只是聖母院MBA一連串社區學習的一部份而已。這裡的教授們相信,教導MBA學生瞭解商業(business),應該從教導他們認識人性(humane)與關懷社區(community)開始。因為『人性』是一切商業活動最基本的元素,而『社區』則是所有商業活動最根本的場所。


聖母院B-School『商業道德先知』的美譽與它的宗教傳統有關。自一八四二年此校由聖十字公會建校以來,聖母院大學就一直披著羅馬天主教『道德的外衣』直到今天。即使你在這裡唸的是『企業管理』,目的是『賺錢致富』,還是得在聖母瑪利亞(校園中到處是 Virgin Mary 的雕像)的見證下從事你的『企業管理、賺錢致富』!
『以道德為經、社會意識為緯』,就編織出此校MBA課程的全貌。它強調『政府-企業-社會』三邊的和諧關係,在這個重點下,諸如:勞工關係(labor relations)、環境保育(environ -mental protection)、婦女與少數民族平等(equal opportunities for women and minority)、等議題不斷地被提出討論。教授群中不乏神職人員的聖母院B-School,堅信:『在道德的命題中,沒有黑與白、對和錯,我們只提出問題,讓學生自己去找答案,建立自己的道德觀。我們絕不勉強任何人成為天主教徒,但求以天主教教義中勸人向善的精神,來辦好商業教育!』

聖母院大學是美國第一所設有『國貿』科系的大學。早在一九一七年美國政府還在閉關自保的時候,它的國貿系就已經在大學部中正式招生了。一直到今天,『國際貿易』還是此校MBA Program第一年的必修課。另外,如果你打算在此主修國貿,還可以選擇花一整個學期的時間,赴英國倫敦的聖母院大學修課,所修的學分全部都可算進畢業的學分內。大學部唸商科的學生只要修完四十二個學分,三個學期(一年)就可拿到學位,今年初夏入學,明年夏天就畢業。非商科的則要唸兩年,修滿六十個學分,而且只能秋季入學。除了國貿,此地最受歡迎的課是一門由當地一個管理顧問師開的創業(Entrepreneurship),此門課中學生被分成數組,為印地安那州南方的中、小企業診斷把脈。

除了『道德』與『國貿』,這裡的另一個特色是『小』--總共只有兩百六十位學生和五十名教授!若你迷信教授與學生的比例,這裡的比例會使你十分受用 -- 平均五個學生共用一位教授!而這一群人在印地安那州南方的玉米田裡,最大的消遣就是觀賞各式的校園運動。學生們說:除了天主教,聖母院大學的第二個宗教是『美式足球』。除了崇拜聖母瑪麗亞,校園裡第二號偶像人物是『足球教練』。



The courses, people, and environment combine to create an atmosphere of sensitivity and awareness toward others. Becoming more conscious of people's needs had a profound effect on my life, enabling me to become a better corporate citizen and most importantly a more giving and understanding person.

I needed a curriculum that would prepare me for the marketplace -- a program that would provide me with the analytical and conceptual skills necessary for a career in finance, and would also stretch my abilities to learn and to perform under pressure. I wanted a program that was small enough to offer frequent one-on-one contact with professors yet large enough to attract a student body with diverse backgrounds and interests. Finally, I wanted a school with a strong national reputation. Notre Dame fulfilled these criteria and more.

The school needs direction -- there is no strong leader for the MBA program. Twenty-five percent of the students have no work experience, and therefore have virtually nothing to contribute in class. This causes companies to avoid Notre Dame when recruiting. Why should we pay so much for an MBA when we could have gotten the same experience for less money?

The large number of international students adds a great deal to the learning process. Unfortunately, too many students are accepted who are not fluent in English. This really distracts from learning, in terms of class lectures and group projects.