Application Contact:
Ethan Hanabury
Assistant Dean of Admissions
Columbia Business School
Uris Hall
New York City, New York 10027

企業排名 7 錄取者GMAT平均 640
學術排名 10 錄取者GMAT範圍 570-710
學生人數 1,375 錄取者GPA平均 3.3
女性百分比 32% 錄取者GPA範圍 2.8 - 4.0
外籍百分比 27% 錄取率百分比 25%
兼職學生 none 錄取者註冊率 58%
平均年齡 27 平均年起薪(美金) $100,480
學費(一年) $21,400 生活費(一年) $12,600
TEL:212-8541961 FAX:212-6626754
學制:兩年(參加暑修者可在16個月完成),四個 terms
Bruce C.N. Greenwald / finance
Michael Tushman / management
John O. Whitney / quality management
Robert N. Bontempo / management of organizations
James M. Hulbert / marketing
Suresh M. Sundaresan / finance and economics
David O. Beim / finance Larry Selden / finance
Ronald Schramm/finance, economics John Donaldson / finance
Columbia is the quintessential international business school in the quintessential international city. It is dedicated to enhancing what have always been its three key strengths: a remarkably diverse and gifted student body, a world-renowned faculty, and economic developments taking place around the globe.
-- Professor Meyer Feldberg --
Dean, Columbia Business School


倘若你認為,頂尖的B-School就應該是個充滿競爭氣息和火藥味的戰鬥環境,一天到晚得和一個軍團的未來投資銀行專家肉搏,隨時必須在世界金融與投資中心的都市叢林中,保持最高的商業警覺心,在衣冠楚楚的表皮下,人人都有顆貪婪勢利的進取心 ....。歡迎你加入紐約曼哈頓島上的哥倫比亞B-School!這裡給你的不僅僅是現代商業的理論與實際,還有對人性的最真實深刻、如同『厚黑學』中所描述的種種一般的驗證。

在硬體上,校史悠長久遠的哥大B-School更是令人頭疼。Uris Hall的環境在top 10中持續地敬陪末座:教室的空調設備永遠是冬天太冷夏天太熱,電梯不是太慢就是停擺,盥洗室裡來自各國的蟑螂品種媲美紐約街頭的各式人種,想找個空教室開個會做個小組討論都如登天般困難。好消息是一九九四年,新大樓的興建計劃已經校方通過,壞消息是,正式啟用可能在二十一世紀了,而且還得與法學院共用!

雖然有如此多的『利空』,哥大B-School仍堅挺top 10十年不墜。一方面由於學校對課程的創新與教學品質的提升,持續做了許多努力,另方面也因為哥大長春藤的校譽和『紐約市』的魅力歷久彌新。一九九二年大幅翻新的課程,加重了一般管理(general management)的份量,減輕了定量的部份,目的是為趕上時代潮流,以培養更多具有整合能力的管理通才。原先在必修課中部份的定量課程,現在則提前在暑假開課,想要加強這部份基礎的新生可以提早入學,參加暑修。

第一年,學生以六十人為一班,一起修共同必修11門課。其中三門為seminars,分別為presentation skills、team building、writing proficiency,這是創新的部份。九二年以前,新生在第一年只需修課就好,不用給presentation也不必做teamwork。

必修課的另一個創新是一改單科授課的方式,而是在四個主題下:globalization、total quality、ethics、human resources management 由教授群共同授課。九二年以前,必修課中只有business policy 是整合性的課程,現在,所有的必修課都是整合性的!


暑假的internship結束後,進入第二年的選修。你可以在12個領域、150門選修課中任意選課,而超過60%的學生在畢業時取得雙主修(double majors)的資格。財務(finance)與會計(accounting)一向是哥大商學院最大的兩個主修,開的選修課也最多。

連續八、九年華爾街景氣下滑的趨勢中,哥大B-School的課程重點也不得不在財務(finance)之外另闢奚徑。九一年一位哥大MBA傑出校友Jerome A. Chazen捐款在哥大校園中創設了Chazen Institute of International Business,這個機構發行全球性的商業流通雜誌、致力於哥大的國際化、開闢許多創新的、討論全球性經濟與商業的課程、並努力拓展海外交換學生與企業合作的機會。由於近年有愈來愈多歐洲的MBA Programs在國貿領域中頭角崢嶸,哥大想在財務之外,再打下國貿的另一片江山,這股來自大西洋彼岸歐洲各國的強棒是不可輕忽的競爭力量。透過Chazen Institute,目前哥大商學院已和歐洲多國的MBA名校間建立起14個交換學生的管道,許多國際間的學術交流也正大張旗鼓地進行。

哥大商學院力求國際化的行動在美國國內的B-Schools中並不唯一,真正使他特殊的是原先就存在校園中濃厚的國際研究風氣:國貿研究圈(Center for International Business Cycle Research)、中國經濟研究中心(Center for Chinese Business Studies)、日本經濟研究中心(Center on Japanese Economy & Business)等等。目前,國貿是財務之外,哥大MBA第二個最熱門的(也是第二大的)主修。

在top 10 B-School中,哥大是唯一的一所商學院,一年有三次入學時間。若是你放棄暑期建教合作(internship)的機會,就可以在十六個月內取得學位。和其他top 10 不同的是,此校的必修課可以抵免不修,抵免掉了也不必再選其他選修課來補足學分。星期五全天沒課,所以在哥大唸書的日子,你的週末特別的長。三天的時間,你可以選擇暫時遠離萬丈紅塵,駕車到海邊渡個小假。或者你也可以投入紐約市的滾滾紅塵,利用這三天打個小工賺賺外快。無論你怎麼利用這三天的週末,最好都不要錯過每星期四晚上全體哥大MBAs的TGIT(Thank God is Thursday)盛會!

華爾街的活力正在復甦之中。這可以從一九九四年哥大MBA畢業生有55%進了當地的財務金融業看出端倪。哥大畢業生的平均年起薪是top 10中能上六位數字的三所之一。其他兩所為哈佛與史丹佛。畢業生平均年起薪較高與他們選擇進入的行業有關。目前Citicorp中就有超過400名哥大MBA校友。其他Bankers Trust (185)、Merrill Lynch (163)、Chemical Bank (163)、Chase Manhattan Bank (160)、American Express (150)、Goldman Sachs (150)、Morgan Stanley (120)等等。



Columbia often gets a bad rap from students who have trouble adjusting to New York City, which is a roller-coaster ride that you either love passionately or loathe. How- ever, no top 10 business school has the access in this city that Columbia has. The Columbia name and proximity to Wall Street have enabled me to network into my dream job and to double my previous salary.

Greed is alive and well at Columbia. People stampede toward investment banking like lemmings, despite a complete lack of understanding of the realities of life as a grunt associate at I-Banks. Given the current Wall Street boom, this attitude is understand- able. My classmates' greed is exceeded only by their passion for a good bitch session.

Before I came to Columbia, I was aware that the Chazen Institute of International Business promoted a greater understanding of international business issues. However, the internationally diverse student body was a pleasant surprise for me. We constantly learned from one another, sharing our work experiences in our home countries. We learn to work together on various team projects, to prepare cases for classes such as International Marketing and International Financial Management. We learned from one another by playing sports together and by conversing on the way to school each morning.

I know that for my entry into the media industry to be successful, I had to be either in New York or L.A. I felt that Columbia Business School was the only institution that could offer me a superior business education and let me keep my finger on the pulse of the business world. While at Columbia, I joined the Media Management Association (MMA). As a writer, director, choreographer and performer for Business School Follies, I was able to use my creative strengths to release stress and make lifetime friendships with many fun, creative classmates.