TOP 9 U of CALIFORNIA, Los Angeles

Application Contact:
Linda Baldwin
Director of Admissions
Suite 3371, John E. Anderson Graduate School
of Management, UCLA
405 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90024
企業排名 16 錄取者GMAT平均 640
學術排名 2 錄取者GMAT範圍 500-700
學生人數 1,046 錄取者GPA平均 3.5
女性百分比 29% 錄取者GPA範圍 3.1 - 3.9
外籍百分比 20% 錄取率百分比 23%
兼職學生 434 錄取者註冊率 54%
平均年齡 27.2 平均年起薪(美金) $74,010
學費(一年) $14,496 生活費(一年) $8,500
TEL:310-8256944 FAX:
學制:兩年,六個 quarters
William M. Cockrum / investment banking, financing the emerging enterprise and business ethics
Jose de la Torre / international negotiations
Ronald C. Goodstein / marketing
George S. Yip / business strategy
S. William Yost / operations and production
George T. Geis / management science, information systems, accounting
Richard W. Roll / finance J. Fred Weston / finance
Dominique M. Hanssens / marketing Randolph Bucklin / marketing
UCLA's Anderson School a Global School an Entrepreneurial School a Teamwork School and a school in a Big City. It has long been a leader and innovator in management education. William P. Pierskalla
Dean, UCLA Anderson School

一九九五年入學的新生,將開始在全新的大樓裡上課!而前一年的畢業生,有7%一出校門就開了店,自己當起老闆。這是Anderson School近年來最引人注目的創舉。方同學(Christ Fang)和她的學弟Marc是柏克萊的大學同學。在柏克萊,校園四週林立著許多各具特色的咖啡屋,而這些咖啡屋是他們四年大學生活的重心。在UCLA,校園的四周卻沒有這樣的情調和風尚。九二年方同學畢業,一踏出校門就在洛杉磯西區靠近UCLA校園的地方開了一家學生咖啡屋,一年後Marc 畢業,成了她的合夥人!

過去,UCLA MBAs和哈佛、華頓的MBAs沒什麼不同 -- 人人心懷大志,個個向投資銀行家的目標邁進。在洛杉磯只要看到年輕人左手拿華爾街日報、右手夾衝浪板,那準是UCLA MBA!近年來他們對財務的興趣並未減退,但又燃起對另一領域的狂熱:entrepreneurship。這個領域的選修課目前已開到12門,從如何選擇創業的industry、地點、廣告、行銷、到企業開始成長後如何調度資金以收最大的效益,一應俱全。在這一點上,UCLA似乎向世人宣佈了這樣的訊息:即使你最終的目標只是想成功地經營一家有特色的咖啡屋,你還是需要唸一個MBA!

垃圾債券大王 Mike Milken 在比佛利山經營的Drexel Burn -ham Lambert王國幻滅後將近十年,Anderson School除了財務外,又發展出更多的專長和領域。在一向有全球電影與娛樂工業首都之稱的洛杉磯,娛樂管理(entertainment management)和藝術管理(arts management)逐漸在Anderson眾多的專長中嶄露頭角。世界上再也沒有另一地方能讓你早上畢業,下午就去敲好萊塢(Hollywood)和華特狄斯耐(Walt Disney)的大門!

由於亞洲人種已經成為南加州的多數民族,洛杉磯附近的房地產跟著欣欣向榮,因此 real estate 在Anderson School也成了熱門的選修。當然,校園就在洛杉磯這個國際都會區的中心,國貿(international business)這個領域也成了熱門的主修。

座落在西木校區(Westwood Campus)的 Anderson School,三生有幸能與南茜和隆納•雷根為鄰。這裡的居民友善,氣氛詳和,遠離洛杉磯市區的污煙障氣,但房租卻高得驚人。好在UCLA低廉的學費彌補了這點,更好的是第二年的學生通常可以申請到與本州學生相同的學費減免,在學費方面的負擔立刻紓解了三分之二以上!

然而九三年新上任的教務長William Pierskalla正積極將這所州立B-School私人化(privatizing),而且,還選了最貴的州立大學:密西根大學為仿效的目標!這項學費調漲計劃並未在學生中引起多大的不安,因為大部份的人認為,只要能使學校一直名列top 10,就是多花費一些也是值得的。

Anderson School與洛杉磯企業界和都會區一般,日本人佔了壓倒性的大多數。這和過去畢業於UCLA的日本校友對母校出手慷慨大方有絕對的關係。繡有 UCLA 的T恤在日本與 Gucci 和Louis Vuitton 等名牌齊名,同樣是上流社會的象徵。一九九一年來自日本的新生每人都收到一份厚達四十頁的,以身穿UCLAT恤的第二年日本老生團體照為封面的新生訓練須知-- 這本校友通訊全部是用日文寫的!


在入學許可的考量上,Anderson School偏向哈佛的做法,他們對你的 GMAT 成績興趣並不高,但對你在六歲時就與鄰居小朋友合夥經營的檸檬攤倒是興趣盎然!所以在你回答UCLA essays 的時候,務必反覆思量來自你 Uncle Scrooge的忠告(典故出自 Walt Disney 的唐老鴨卡通故事!)


Anderson School的創業訓練課程廣受學生歡迎。在small business management課程中,廣招洛杉磯當地創業有成的中、小企業家做學生的企業導師。而每年舉行的創業企劃案競賽,更是此校的一個傳統,優勝者甚至可獲得一筆現金做為實質的獎勵。這筆獎金可能離你的創業基金還遠得很,但絕對能讓你換個新的衝浪板!


無論UCLA MBAs最後入了哪一行,這一段『洛城居、大不易』的日子都另他們終身難忘,包括那些買了車 沒地方停的、不買車與別人共乘的(car pool)、和乾脆就踩滑板(Skateboard)上學的!

As an Anderson finance student, I have had the chance to make a positive impact on the outside community. Serving as a Riordan Mentor, I share my financial knowledge with two high school juniors who are interested in the financial industry. I also work with a nonprofit bakery established to employ former gang members in East Los Angeles. My financial projections helped them to obtain the funding necessary for the bakery to continue operating. And finally, I have been able to match my studies to my community interests. As an intern in the Los Angeles Mayor's office, I review the Metropolitan Transportation Authority's fiscal budget. It is rewarding for me to have community service integrated into my business school experience.

I was attracted to Anderson because of its international focus. No other program would have provided me the opportunity to tour Portugal,learn Swahili, explore Baja, Mexico, and swift into an international career, all while developing essential management skills. I worked with local entrepreneurs to help developing their businesses through the MBA Enterprise Corps. The introduction to venture strategy I received at Anderson has given me the experience to help these business expand and operate in market economics. Dealing with the uncertainly, risks, and limited resources of entrepreneurial ventures is a challenge feel equipped to handle in spite of the different governmental and cultural attitudes abroad.

What I enjoy most about Anderson is its students. When I came to Anderson I expected the majority of my MBA class- mates to be quantitatively and financially focused, but was pleased to learn that Anderson has an extremely diverse student body, with people from various backgrounds, countries, and experiences. This adds not only to case studies and classroom discussions, but also to out-of-class learning through field study, social events, friendships, and study teams. Anderson students are very involved and committed to Anderson's events, and are enthusiastic and instrumental in developing and implementing Andersons many programs and activities.

Fourteen years ago, my UCLA MBA provided me entree into an exciting new business concept at Disney, its truly entrepreneurial Home Video venture. I was immediately able to apply what I learned at The Anderson School to the ares of sales, marketing, finance, and general management. The people, the team management, and the analytical problem-solving skills I learned at Anderson have played pivotal roles in my professional growth. Though my responsibilities have varied significantly over the years in both domestic and international business contexts, what I learned at Anderson has applied to them all. My education has met the tests of diversity and flexibility, and enabled me to succeed in a variety of functions and fields.