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June 26

Hey, yo! It's survey time. Did you come hear to read.... Inside The Ropes by Canadian Bulldog? Or...or..... did you come hear to read.... Someone Else's Column? Survey says.... one more for the good guys.

Welcome to another JAM-PACKED edition of Inside The Ropes. I'm Canadian Bulldog and here's a look at all the latest rumors... and the latest speculation!

But first, it's time for a Trivia Question. Answer is at the end of this column:

How good is Chris Benwah right now?

(A) Very
(B) Extremely
(C) Good
(D) Not Very
(E) ehh...
(F) All Of The Above

Wow!!! Consider me shocked by the angle they did on Eric Bischoff's Monday Night Raw this week. If you didn't catch it, at the end of the show Rob Van-Damme forced Kane, The Mighty Big Red Machine to unmask himself!!!!! Well, Kane adhered to the stipulation, and my goodness is he ever ugly!!! He should be booked on a freak-show, stat! It's no wonder that Vince MacMcMahon forced him to wear a mask when he first debuted in the WFF!!!

Is it just me, or is Rodney Max the most over character in the company right now? His weekly Play That Funky Music, White Boy Challenge is my favorite part of the show each week!!!

Well, folks. I finally did it. Since week one of ITR, you guys have been asking (begging, really) for me to catch TNA:NWA and review it for you. So I did it!

Actually, I downloaded a match off of Kazaw but I was VERY impressed with what I saw. Obviously, they're trying to build the show around Glenn Gilbernetetti, whom astute fans may remember from the role of Disco Stu back in WCW. Glen was very impressive in his victory over Hugh Morris.

Wait.... I may have downloaded WCW Thursday Night Thunder by accident. I can't tell.

Rumor has it that the Acquelite Protection Agency is going to be jumping to Smack! Down any time now... Stay tuned!!!

Did anyone else know that Triple HHH and Stephanie MacMahon-Helmsley are an item.... in real life???? Don't ask me how I find out about this rumor... but it's true!!!

Starting this week, I'm debuting a new segment called...REMEMBERING THE LEGENDS, where I pause for a moment in my hectic schedule to remember the legends. This week should be no exception, as we profile...Mik Foley!!!

Mick is known as The Hardcore Legend because of his matches with Joe E. Legend (they were hardcore matches). He has been several different characters in his career, including Cactus Jack Manson, Hardcore Hack and Somebody Else.

What's Mick up to these days? Recently, he returned to receive the World Hardcore Heavyweight Championship belt in a special ceremony, where he was honored by contemporaries such as Tommy The Dreamer and Albert Snow.

And here's a little-known fact: Nick is actually a best-selling author; it's not just a gimmick!!! He wrote two books called Have A Nice Life: A Story Of Blood And Guts and Foley Is A Good Author: The World Is More Real Than Stupid Fake Wrestling about a year or so ago, and also wrote some children's books which I forget the names of. His latest book is called Titanium Brown and hits record stores this week!!!

This just in!! We have some matches announced for the upcoming Venice pay-per-view spectacular! And it looks like this one will be a showstopper (no pun intended!!!!!)

On top will be Curt Angle and Brock Lesnor in a Hell in the Cage match, with special guest referee Mick Foley!!! We're also expecting Mister American to team with Jack Gowan against Vince MacMahon and Rod Roddy in a special Tag Team Grudge Match! And last but not least, we will see Stephanie Macmohon against Sabel in a burping contest. Should be a great event!!!

We here at ITR understand that Charlie Horse and Sheldon Benjamin are looking for a new name for their team now that Kurt Angel sued them for using his name on their tag team. My suggestion would be Two Good Wrestlers, but it's probably been taken before. By the way, since when can someone sue someone else for stealing their name?

I wonder what's happening with director Spike Lee Joint these days? Not a wrestling-related issue, I'm just curious...

If ya smellllllllalalalalalah.... what the mailbag... is cookin'! Let's go to the Q&A section of this column!!!

Q: These days, both Zach Arnold and Dave Meltzer are all over the Bob Sapp story, saying that he has become a top-tier name in Japan almost overnight. What relevance, if any, do you think Bob Sapp will have on the North American scene?
A: I don't know who this Melter fellow is, but any endorsement coming from Zach Arnold, who will be a top superstar on Smack! Down with Mister America's help, is good enough for me! As far as Bob Sapp goes, all his credibility went out the window for me when he beat up and murdered the kid from Tuff Enuff last year.
Q: One of the biggest problems on Raw right now is that guys like Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels stink up the roster and don't leave enough room for the young guys. What are your thoughts on that?
A: Thanks for the compliment. I personally was worried about that too, but according to Jin Ross, these guys are only being used to help out the Younger Talent on the roster. So that's not a bad thing at all.
Q: Which match is your favorite of all time?
A: That's an easy one for me. The four-way TLC Network match from last year involving The Mighty Red Machine Kane against The Dudley Brotherz against Chris Jerichon and The Christian against Jeff Hardee's and RDV. After all, you fans voted it as the best RAW match of the decade! I didn't see it yet, but I'm sure it's the best match EVER!!!
Q: Do you know what happened to Butch Reed? Is he still wrestling?
A: I don't know.
Q: What were your thoughts on the HBO program involving wrestling and early deaths? Do you think McMahon handled himself well?
A: Again -- didn't see it, per se. But if Vince was on it, I'm sure it went GREAT!!!

That's about this week. If you have any ideas, questions, suggestions, rumors, gossip, news, innuendo, advice, comments, news or feedback, be sure to PLEASE email me at

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