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May 15

I'm Canadian Bulldog and welcome to another jam-packed edition of Inside The Ropes, where we feature an equal mix of both rumors and gossip. Let's get on it with it, or as the Big Bad Bully Daddy Scott Steiner sometimes says ``Holler If You Hear Me!''

The next WWE pay-per-view extravaganza Judgment Time is set to hit TV sets everywhere this Sunday, and count me among them! Can't wait to see this one, folks. Here's a brief EXCLUSIVE preview of what to expect:

(1) World Champion Triple HHH vs Big Sexy Cool Kevin Nash -- Let me go on record as saying this may be the hottest wrestling feud in years!!! As a special treat for fans, Nash's ex-bodyguard Shane Michaels will be in Nash's corner for Nash's match!
(2) Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion Brook Lesnar vs The Big Show -- Believe it or not, this will contested under `stretcher match' rules. Should be a great bout!
(3) Captain America vs Roddy Rowdy Piper -- Is Hulk Hogan really behind the Mister American outfit? Tune in and find out!
(3) Intercontinental Royal Rumble, for the Intercontential title -- Already entered are former I-C champions Rob Van-Damme, Kane, Booker T, Chris Jerricho, Chris Benoit, Christian, Chris Nowinsky, Lord William Regal, Test, Lance Storm and you just KNOW that the WWE is going to pack this thing with ex-I-C champions like Tino Santana, Mr. Perfect and Ricky Steamboat. Should be a great bout!
(4) Tag Team Champions Les Guerreros vs Team Kurt Angle in a 15-Foot Ladder Match -- Look for the team of to walk away with the big gold straps!
(5) Sable vs Tori in a Bikini Showdown -- The winners of this will DEFINITELY be the fans! Should be a great bout!
(6) Test and Scott the Steiner vs El Resistance -- Test and Big Papa are WAY more muscular than the two Germans. Look for them to walk away with a `W' in the win column, and win the match!
(7) John Cena, Rhino and Canadian Chris Benoit vs FBI -- This match could go either way. Should be a great bout!

Random thoughts, gossip and such:

If you looked closely during this Monday night's episode of Monday Night Raw on Monday night, you may have noticed a cameo appearance by Road Warriors Hulk and Animal, best known worldwide as The Legion of Doom, or The Road Warriors. Aaaaaaaah what a rush it was to see them back in action. These two guys from the mean streets of Detroit haven't lost a step!

Who puts the `Entertainment' into `Sports Entertainment' better than young John Cena? World life, yo!

Spoiler Alert: Scroll past the next section if you don't want to be spoiled by this spoiler:


Update: Ray Misterio is expected to be back shortly after suffering a torn neck at the hands of BigShow during the last PPV. Can't wait to see the young Mexican back in action!

Fashion Alert: Bill Goldenberg is now sporting new trunks. Verrrrry trendy!

Could Jake the Snake Roberts be talking `comeback'? According to several people in the know, `maybe'! The wily Roberts, who terrorized WWE rings with his snake Damien Demento, is in the best shape of his career, say people who have seen him in recent independent matches.

Stand back... it's a superstar! Hurricane Helms has looked more and more better every week on WWF programming. He's taking on some of the top names, and each week he improves. Hurricane is one of those guys that can beat any given superstar on any given week, as Gorilla Monsoon used to say. Whatsupwithdat?

I squealed like a schoolgirl this week at the site of Good Old JR back at the announcing stand on Raw. Jim Roth just adds a certain something to the broadcasts. Personally, I like him a lot better than Jonathan Lloyd Coachmen. No offense, Jon. I'm sure you'll be a top announcer one day.

This is more a `what if' scenario than a concrete rumor, but what do you think would happen if Vince MacMahon decided to make a THIRD roster split? Would that not be the best thing ever? Triple the number of new stars could be created!!!

Mailbag: Let's answer some of the questions that have JAM-PACKED the ol' Bulldog's inbox this week.

Q: Just read your column for the first time last week. Question: Are Rick and Scott Steiner really related?
A: Related to whom? Thanks for the compliment.

Q: Where are my socks?
A: Probably in the living room, where you left them. And you forgot to clean up the potato chips (this one was from my roommate).

Q: What is the difference between Jagonami's `Eagle Driver 2003' and Masked Dragon's ``Attackplex''? Both maneuvers sound fairly similar, as they both have to raise their shoulders AFTER the point of impact.
A: That sounds fabulous. By the way, have you seen Scotty The Hotty's move where he does the `W-O-R-M'? Turn out the lights after that one because, as they say, THE PARTY'S OVER!

Q: Where is Hardcore Holly these days?
A: No idea.

Q: I checked the living room, they're not there. I thought you did the laundry last night.
A: You still owe me $4 for laundry detergent.

That's all for this week, folks. Keep the rumors, gossip, news and rumors coming at Until next time, I am the Canadian Bulldog and remember, if you heard here, it's ... Inside The Ropes!

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