Volume 3 Chapter 1 – Balance of Power 3 Pg 3 Man: I see. So that is how things have turned out. I guess it cannot be helped. This is what I suppose people mean when they say problems arise within those of the same trade. But it has been hard on you, forcing you to clear up the mess we created 50 years ago. Maxwell: Please do not say that your Excellency. You may use us no matter how you choose. As for the sins, let them be borne by us who are sinners. If it could, we would even see to the funeral and burial required. Caption: In Hellsing manor Alucard: Not asleep at this hour, Walter? Walter: The moon is too bright. Alucard: Is Integra asleep? Walter: Yes, she has retired first. Page 6 Alucard: I suppose you have heard about it. Walter: Yes I have. I just didn’t expect these problems to be related to that incident. They are like ghosts from half a century. Why did that name have to come up again? Alucard: I don’t know why I have had this feeling about this whole matter. This dark foreboding ... it is just like that which I experienced before. Walter: Huh? Why is that so? Alucard: Why? You ask me why oh angel of death? There are only three things in this world that is immortal. You, them and me. Did we not already destroy their research on immortality? Did we not slaughter them, you and me? Walter: I recall it now Alucard. Alucard: Growing old is fearsome. It makes one absentminded. Walter: Ah, but we Englishmen appreciate growing old. You may have to go to South America soon. The Iscariots are not to be trusted but they have provided us some helpful information. Page 9 Walter: I have often heard rumours that they escaped to South America. Yet, it is amazing that they have managed to keep such a big project under wraps for so long. They are not to be underestimated. However, they are too arrogant. We are not to be underestimated either. How dare they do this to us? Alucard: Ha! The English empire has declined precisely because you Englishmen are like that. Walter: Honor that we did not earn is not something we would want. Page 10 Walter: Who will be going on this mission this time? Surely there will be more than you and Seras. Are you bringing the new mercenaries along? Alucard: They would only get in the way. Can you use them solely for communications? Walter: It’s not that bad, although their supervisors are not exactly dependable. Seras: What are you doing? No, not like that! Pip: No, no no no no!!! It can’t be done like that. Seras: What do you mean you can’t hit a target that is only 400 to 500 metres away. Pip: You’re asking for too much! Seras: Why not? Aren’t you guys trained in war? You’re mercenaries for goodness sake! Pip: That’s not it! Normal guns cannot shoot that far. Only monsters can. Do you take me for an idiot? Seras: Step aside please. Page 16 Seras: How’s that? Pip: You idiot. Look at it yourself!!! All the hostages are dead! Seras: Ugh!!! Page 17 Walter: Yup, truly not quite dependable. Well, I’ve meaning to ask you this ... Alucard: Ask me what? Walter: Why did you change her into a vampire? It is not your usual practice. Alucard: What do you think? Do you think it was a whim of the moment? No, it was her choice. Alucard: How goes the matters with Seras? Walter: She has been filed as a missing person since that Cheddar incident. Alucard: Hasn’t her family tried to probe? Walter: She has no family. She was an orphan. Alucard: It is as I thought. She is more interesting than she first appears. A similar incident happened before. It was a village overran by ghouls and she was about to be raped by a surrounding group of vampires. It was like a witch about to be boiled in oil. Can you guess her choice? Alucard: Giving up kills you. Only when you humans refuse to give up can you fulfil your true potential. Walter: So all that remains is for Seras to drink blood? Alucard: She will. She definitely will. Page 20 Walter: So you are bringing her to South America? Alucard: As this moment, she is still unable to cross the ocean. Walter: Can’t she? What about a helicopter? Alucard: No. Author’s notes: Vampires are unable to cross moving waters like oceans. Alucard: She is still half a vampire. She would turn to dust the minute she tried. As they say, dust to dust ... Walter: Oh dear. What should be done? Page 21 Seras: Walter, Mister Walter ... Walter: Has training ended? Seras: That man!!! I am going to have him up for sexual harassment! And those weird mercenaries keep singing lewd songs during runs. Pip: Almore’s XXX are cold and her XXX ... Seras: Idiot!!! Alucard: Walter. I’ve thought of the solution. It’s a little old fashioned but ... Page 22 Caption: Early morning Integra: What a bother. Have we decided how to move the police girl? Walter: I’ve been meaning to speak to you about that. Alucard: Good morning. Walter: Well, we’ve decided to move her in a coffin. Seras: No, let me out! Integra: How are we going to clear this through customs? Walter: There is no need to. Integra: Why? Walter: We’re going to smuggle them out. Seras: Wail! No! No! No! Integra: Is she going to be alright? Alucard: We’re going to need to smuggle weapons too. And I’m taking my coffin, so we are going out illegally. Pip: We used to do this quite often so we have a dependable contact. Pay him and he will ask no questions. Seras: Let me out! Alucard: Hush. Page 23 Integra: You’re dressed differently today. And isn’t the sun your greatest enemy? Alucard: My usual style is going to make it hard to travel and besides, the enemy would know it is me. The sun by the way is not my greatest enemy. I just hate it. Page 26 Integra: I only have one command. Search and Destroy. Alucard: Yes my master. TO BE CONTINUED [Caution, not proof-read yet]