Dimentions Chapter 4 By Kimiki Mia Aka Navi Author's Notes So... I'm in such a weird mood today. I really really want to write and I'm feeling really really obssesive about Inu-Yasha so I thought I might as well try at another chapter of dimentions. Even though I have completely no plans. Yay, improvising! Wheee! Okay, ummm.... enjoy! ____________________________ "speech" (thoughts) narrations *actions* ~~~~~~Scene transitions~~~~~~ ____________________________ Recap: Kagome and Inu-Yasha end if in some dimention-warp and find themselves in a dimention where everyone is their opposite (ADKagome [Alternate Dimention Kagome] is mean and cutting and ADIY is nice and understanding.) And um... Well that's basically it. Wow, I write so much in three chapters. "There it is!" Inu-Yasha exclaimed. "Let's get the hell out of here!" "Wow, It's so pretty!" ADIY marveled the porthole in front of them. "You're such a loser." ADKagome scolded. ADIY frowned. "So...we just hop through and all will be well again?" Kagome asked. "In theory." Replied ADShippou. "Okay, let's go." Inu-Yasha wasted no time and headed towards to porthole. "Kagome?? Coming?" "I'll miss you guys! It was nice meeting us!" Kagome punned. "Hahaha! Good one!" ADIY Laughed. ADKagome rolled her eyes and crossed her arms apathetically. "I know!" Kagome laughed, "I crack me up!" "Let's go Kagome..." Inu-Yasha pressed. "And you..." Kagome said, bending over to ADShippou and huggling him. "Oh, won't you stay here! Kagome can go with grumpy Inu-Yasha!" Shippou whined. "It looks like some people are inter-dimentionally annoying." Inu-Yasha growled. "Okay!" Kagome huffed, standing up determinedly, "We'd better go, Inu-Yasha! Enough dilly-dallying!" "What!? I should be the one-" "Bai bai!" Kagome said cutely, waving goodbye and getting ready to hop through the porthole. Inu-Yasha grumbled and followed. "I'll miss nice Kagome..." ADIY sniffled. ADKagome smacked him upside the head and walked away. "Oh I'm sorry snookypoo!" ADIY Dribbled, "Come baaaack!" ADIY ran after ADKagome. ADShippou sighed and followed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Ow!" Kagome hit the ground hard. Inu-Yasha landed normally. "You idiot. The porthole is a foot off the ground. What did you go making a gigantic leap like that for?" "I forgot, okay?" Kagome sat up and rubbed her cheek. "So, are we back?" "It looks to be so." "Good. Because I have ....a uh.... *cough* Party to go to *cough*" "What!?" "I promised Hojo and all my friends I'd go!!" Kagome whined. "No! We're way behind on the shards already!" "But... I'll cry!" Kagome yelled threateningly. "You coniving little bitch! No means no! Get over it!" "You don't rule me! I'm not your wife! And even then... You act like you own me!" "Well I have to make your decisions since you obviously can't make your own sensibly." "Yeah well...." Kagome stopped to think of a good comeback, but she was too angry to. Instead she broke out in a run. "Hey! You think you can outrun me!?" Inu-Yasha yelled, setting off after her. Kagome's mom sat politely at the table and got ready to eat. "Souta, stop chewing on the sleeves of your kimono. Kagome's joining us for dinner tonight." "What's this?" "It's soup. Just eat it, ok?" "Okay ma." Souta took the dampened edge of his blue kimono sleeve out of his mouth and started to slurp his soup happily. "Mom! Hi!" Kagome walked in. "Hi Kagome! Oh, it's so nice to meet you! You spend too much time in 'modern japan'! We miss you!" Kagome's mom hugged her kimono-clad daughter happily. "Yeah, modern japan is fun but I certainly prefer home sometimes." Kagome sat down at the table and licked her lips. "Ahhh! Homemade soup! In 'modern' japan all they eat is soup from a can or cup. They put it into weird boxes for a few minutes, then the box sings and when they take it out, the soup is cooked!" "Wow, tell me more stories about modern japan!" Souta said excitedly. "Well, they have these things that look like boxes with pictures on the front, but the pictures move and talk and act out little plays." "Wow, neat!" "Yeah, modern japan has alot of useless things, but one thing I do like is they all have hot baths... no need to go to the river or anything. They just turn a few knobs and water fills up a sleek white pool. It's neat. Hot water, too. You can make it warm or cold as you like." "Wow!" Souta gasped, "That sounds great!" "GET BACK HERE!" The happy family looked out the window towards the yelling noise. "That boy sounds alot like Inu-Yasha." Kagome chuckled. Souta got up off the floor and rushed to the window. "Hey... That is Inu-Yasha! And you, Kagome!" Souta said. Kagome and her mom both stopped eating and came to the window. Sure enough, Inu-Yasha and another Kagome were running around. Only Inu-Yasha was dressed more normally and Kagome was wearing weird clothing. "Who is that? Does Kagome have a twin?" Souta asked. "HEY! INU-YASHA!" Kagome yelled from the window. Inu-Yasha didn't notice, but kept after the other Kagome. "Hmm, It must just be some other people." Kagome shrugged. The reunited family went back to their meal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Hah! Here's the well!" Kagome yelled victoriously. She leapt into the well. "No you don't, wench!" Inu-Yasha yelled. He grabbed a leg, too late. Inu-Yasha tumbled in after Kagome. "Goddamnit!" Inu-Yasha yelled. "I hate your time! It's weird!" "Well you'll have to go back anyways." Kagome said, standing up. "Why?" "Because, you'll only embarras me infront of Hojo and my friends and I don't know if I can explain away your fangs and ears and stuff." "Wait wait... who's hojo?" "A guy..." "What guy!?" "Just a guy friend!" "How good a guy friend!?" "A boy-friend, okay!? Is that what you want me to say? He's my boyfriend, then!" Kagome yelled. She let out an exasperated sigh of anger and started up the well. "When did I say you could date?" Inu-Yasha asked, following. Kagome was about to explain she was only angry and that she didn't actually mean she was going out with Hojo, but something else needed adressing more. "Since when do I need to ask YOU if I can go on a date? Who made you god!?" "Well uh... I..." Inu-Yasha stammered. "I thought as much. Men!" Kagome yelled. She reached the top and clambered over the edge. Inu-Yasha hopped out beside her. "Well...at least let me meet him." "Why? You'll only make an ass of yourself, embarras me andscare poor Hojo to death." Kagome said perceptively. "I wasn't going to beat him up! I just wanted to talk to him. As your best friend." "Best friend!?" "Yeah! Oh, so is Hojo your best friend too now!?" "You're so jelous..." Kagome smiled and shook her head. "I am not! You...you're the jelous one!" Inu-Yasha blabbled. Kagome walked out calmly and went into her house. An old woman was at the counter chopping some veggies. Her back was turned and Kagome couldn't tell who it was. "Grandma?" Kagome guessed. The woman turned around. "Oh Kagome! Why are you here so early? I thought you were spending supper with your family!" Kaede said. "Kaede!?" "Yes?" "Uh... Why are you at my house? And why are you dressed like that?" "Like what? I always dress like this." Suddenly Kagome realized it. "Oh no.. not again..." _________________________________________________________________ Wow, that sucked. but hey, I don't crave to write or for Inu-Yasha anymore! It worked! Too bad it's pretty retarded and it makes little sense. Oh details details. Kimiki-sama