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Welcome to the world
of economics at EIL at the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal
Nehru University, Delhi! A fast-driven, action packed two years lie ahead
of you. As usual, it has its thrills, its spills, its share of joys and
problems but what stands out here is the zeal and earnestness with which
students and teachers, alike, operate.
Enterprising professors;
Intelligent and invigorating people and surroundings, and a Lively, student-friendly
environment- that’s ‘EIL’ for you. There is little doubt that you will
not emerge the same person that you were, once you journey through this
experience. What we students learn here, is the ability to think; what
we are made aware of, is our right to question the norms and what is instilled
in us, is the urge to seek out answers, however radical and unorthodox
they may seem. The final product at the end of two years is not the stereotype
Masters student churned out of a machine-driven factory but instead, an
independent, broadminded and well equipped individual who is able to think,
analyze and assess issues.
Not only are professors
of the department easily accessible but they also encourage initiative
and drive. Weekly seminars provide us with an opportunity to meet and interact
with economists, social scientists and people from other varied fields,
each bringing with him a wealth of knowledge and new ideas. In the same
platform, students get a chance to speak and give presentations on issues
of national and international relevance thus honing their debating, analytical
and presentation skills and doing their confidence a world of good.
An option at the end
of first year of classes allows for students to be placed in industrial
organizations or research institutes as summer trainees and gain valuable
work experience.
Academically, the
choice of subjects offered are many, ranging from Law and Economics, International
Economic Institutions and a course on the Chinese economy to Natural Resource
economics, a path breaking course on Corporate Finance or even Environmental
economics. A major thrust area is the teaching of Econometrics and special
emphasis is given to training in Forecasting Techniques. Global issues
like Technology Generation and Transfer, the working of GATT/WTO, Transnational
Corporations and Financial Flows and Management are stressed upon in addition
to conventional Macro and Microeconomics.
An in-house departmental
library accommodates most basic texts and references that students may
require and the School itself houses a reading room, complete with national
and international journals, newspapers, magazines and research papers.
A computer room with Internet facilities is operational and its services
will be expanded soon. Various meetings and get-togethers are often organized
to celebrate certain national festivals or to welcome the Freshers and
to bid farewell to seniors. This enables the students to plan and work
together as a team and display their diverse talents, be it in singing,
dancing, artwork or plain simple ingenuity in any field. Teachers are roped
in as well and this makes for many a memorable occasion indeed!
As we head into the
next century, we will be required to understand the implications of economic
globalization, use sophisticated technology to solve emerging problems,
and integrate our knowledge across multiple disciplines. We also need superior
communication and teamwork skills to function effectively. The EIL department
in JNU prepares students for this challenging future in a unique learning
environment. It offers the opportunity, choices and environment students
need to launch successful careers, including reputed scholars and experienced
practitioners who bring real-world insights into the classroom. All in
all, it is a fabulous program and of which you would love to be a
part of! Come and join us…
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