My colleagues in Taiwan


Elsa Asia (taken in 1st Quarter Yr. 2000)

Left to right (Male first row): Fred, Wick, Franz, Frank, Franklin, Luke
Left to right (Female middle row): Charlene, Irene, Minna, Judith, Winnie, Vivian, Tiffany, Molly, Lydia, Jane
Left to right (male last row): Barry and me

Den and Clint

(Den is in AMI Taiwan and Clint is now an IT manager in Hotai company in Nei Hu)

Captain in Japan exhibit

Captain is now managing a company (Annso), also into ICP products,
based in Hsin Tien.


My first encounter with a Taiwan officemate is Vincent.  
He couldn't understand my English and I couldn't understand
his Chinese. He's now in Annso working with Captain.

The last I heard about Howard. He's in HongKong, helping out  
his brother's shipping business.

This is me in Mitac Chitu.

Is this an office? Its a mess!!! Ha ha.


Technical Support in Mitac Chitu

Left to right: Vincent, Clint, Den, Denies, Me



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