Communiqué With Cloth

oh yes...
once (und ONLY once) having fully mastered one-ness with the twig und witnessed the phenomena known as
"Convulsions of Cloth"
you may like to try your hand at a
with our adored stellar sidekick

follow the instructions below to the letter

Step One...
choose your message carefully, we none of us want to appear morons, do we?

Step Two...
put on a garment of a spiritual nature, or wrap yourself in clingfilm

Step Three...
burn some fragranced oil, we find those of the whelk or damp cat fur variety to be of the most use during an attempted communiqué

Step Four
stare deep into the disc below und repeat your message/question in the form of a mantra


Step Five...
continue step four until you collapse, have some form of nervous breakdown, develop a migrane or are physically sick

There... now all you can do is hope that your brainwaves have taken light upon the air und dance, like a million voile butterflies, through the ether directly to the gorgeous Mr Cloth himself

perhaps you would like to share your message to Jay Cloth with the other Ladies UND Gentlemen?
please do so in the

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