make your own

any of you who may have seen the above snapshot cannot have failed to have noticed the rather covetable badge worn by our favourite superstar sidekick.

those of you needing, really wanting one can now have your very own!

you will need:

a printer
some paper
some glue
some scissors or a craft knife
some stiff card (a cereal packet is ideal)
some sellotape
a safety pin (preferably gold)

1. print the above image

 2. using the glue sparingly to avoid wrinkling, stick it to your piece of card thusly.

3.When completely dry take your scissors or craft knife(pointed end away from you when carrying to avoid falling upon them und damaging your internal organs) und carefully cut around the badge.

4. using a small strip of sellotape, apply your safety pin to the back of the badge

5. affix to your poncho/body-warmer/leotard

you'll be the talk of the neighbourhood with a badge such as this!

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