The Kinleys
News Archive Page
November, 2000


Nov 23, 2000     Courtesy of "matt riggins"
I'm In
I hope all of you are having a great week along with a fantastic
Thanksgiving Day. Here's how we're doing on the charts this week:

"I'm In" held at #51 with an airplay gain of 76 spins on Billboard.

--"II" re-entered the country album chart at #62.

--"I'm In" moved up from #16 to #14 on the country singles sales chart.

--SATGFY re-entered the country singles sales chart at #25.

--"I'm In" was the 18th most played video on CMT last week.

Nov 17, 2000     Courtesy of "matt riggins"
I'm In
I hope everyone is having a great week. On Tuesday night, I traveled to  Augusta, GA to see Heather and Jennifer, along with Chad Brock, Mindy  McCready (also known as Mrs. Matt Riggins), Gary Allan, and Trace Adkins, in  a special charity concert called "Pennies For Kids." Each artist had  his/her chair on the stage and would takes turns singing. So each one sang 4  songs. The girls Rocked as usual. They sang She Ain’t the Girl For You,   Please, I’m In, and Somebody’s Out There Watching. Afterwards, all the   artists together sang a version of "Lean on Me, " which Heather and Jennifer  pretty much lead. They would all tell jokes on one another and kid around,   making it a very relaxed and comical atmosphere. So as always, the girls  made it an awesome show! I had a blast! How did requesting go this week? I heard it a pretty good number of times  this week in Georgia, so that’s good. But we had kind of a slow week on the
charts last week. Here’s how we did:

"I'm In" held at #51 with an airplay gain of 31 spins on the Billboard
--"I'm In" dropped from #14 to #16 on the country singles sales chart.
--"I'm In" was the 30th most played video on CMT last week.

Nov 10, 2000     Courtesy of "matt riggins"
I'm In
"I’m In" is moving it’s way up the   charts nicely, so our requesting is paying off. So let’s please be sure to   keep up the great work this weekend and next week. I have found, that requesting during "All Request Lunch Hours" and "Afternoon Drives" offers an  excellent opportunity to get our song played...PLUS, more people are  listening to their radio’s during this time to hear it. So it’s a WIN-WIN   situation! Here are two nationally syndicated country music radio shows. If   we can get these two to play "I’m In," we’ll be set. So if you would, call  or email these whenever you get a chance.

Nashville Nights w/Dallas Turner (M-F 7:00-12:00pm)

After Midnite w/Blair Garner (7 days a week 12:00-5:00 am)

--"I'm In" moved up from #58 to #51 with an airplay gain of 68 spins on Billboard. --"I'm In" held at #14 on the country singles sales chart.
--SATGFY dropped from #24 to #25 on the country singles sales chart.
--"I'm In" was the 29th most played video on CMT last week.

Nov 06, 2000     Courtesy of "matt riggins"
Kinley's Rock Georgia,
This past Friday, I traveled to Macon, Georgia to see the Kinleys perform.  It had been over a year since I'd seen them perform, so I was in dire need  of attending an awesome show and hearing killer music....and I WASN'T at all  disappointed! The girls weren't to get on stage until around 10:45. Since I  arrived to the venue about 3 hours earlier, I had ample time to get to know  Jennifer's hubby, Adam. This was my first time meeting the guy that I had  heard and read so much about. He's a funny and very friendly guy...and could  easily pass for a WWF wrestler (just kidding! :-) Finally, 10:45 rolled around, and there was very easy access to the stage. I  was so close that I was pretty much right under them. And there were 2 giant  screens to the left and right of the stage, so the people in the back could  see. When they were introduced and came on stage, the crowd went nuts! It  was cool to feel that adrenaline rush as they came on stage. (Those that  have been to a Kinley show know what I'm talking about.) They looked as  fabulous as always, just wait until I post the pics!! They opened with She
Ain't the Girl For You, followed with Just Between You and Me, You Make it  Seem so Easy, You're Still Here (Adam couldn't join them on stage since he  was having to make sure no one robbed the Kinley Merchandise table :-) I'm  Me With You, Here, If Ever I Needed You (if it gives you chill bumps on the  cd, just wait until you hear it live!!!), Givin' It Up, (Kai ran around the  floor like a mad man singing...the crowd loved it) 2 More Bottles of Wine,  Lovers (afterward, Heather talked about how she loved using the word it just me, or is that a subconscious psycological problem? :)  That's Gonna Mess You Up, Please, I'm In, and Somebody's Out There Watching.  They left the stage with the crowd going was awesome! Afterwards at the Meet and Greet, they were as sweet as always to everyone  in line, taking time to sign, chat and take pics with them all. I think  being sweet just comes naturally to the girls. And finally, my turn came  around. I gave them your letters and told of how everyone is requesting and
is trying to make "I'm In" a #1 for them. They were very appreciative and   even seemed overwhelmed at what great fans they have. (I'm In is a very   important song to them, so we really do need to stick together and get it to   the top for them!) Like the previous times I had had spoken with them, their   kindness and sincerity just blew me away, and made me proud to be a fan of   the 2 greatest people in the world. Thanks for an awesome experience Heather   and Jennifer!! Have a great day and please KEEP REQUESTING I'M IN!!!

Nov 03, 2000     Courtesy of "matt riggins"
I'm In

"I'm In" moves up from #65 to #58 with an airplay gain of 41 spins on the Billboard chart.




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