
Helen is my sister, and one of the people who can truly piss me off. I really don't know how she knows exactly what buttons to push, but she does. :) We both have battle wounds from each other, I think.

Other than that, Helen is a cool sister. There are a lot of fun times, where we just really have fun, like when we are in the car, screaming Grease at the top of our lungs. Or when Chris screamed out the window, the Farmer porks his wife, the song. :) Or maybe when we where driving ALL over Broadview Heights, for "NO" reason. ;-) Or maybe that hour drive, because we where SURE, if you drove down this road long enough, you will find a Dairy Queen…. And we did find one by the way :)

Well, I know there is more to say about Hel, I just really don't know what it is at the moment.

Hel has her own websight, with a Renee page ( OF COURSE) and a Pete page. She also has a picture sight, so you might want to go check that stuff out! :)

Helen's Homepage

Pete's Page, on Hel's sight

Renee's Page, also on Hel's sight






Aunt Peg

Aunt Sharon

Uncle Wiz




Uncle Teddy


Grandma Moore

Grandma S.

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