
Suzie has GOT to be the coolest person ever! :) She is really nice, and really kind, and HAS to have the nerves if steel, because she’s married to Uncle Teddy!!

She lives out in Auburn Corners, and has a house, with a nice yard too. She also has a really cool cat, Lady Pickles. I think that they have done a bit of renovation since I saw the house last which was forever ago. :P Are you people hearing this? I WANT TO GO BACK OUT THERE PEOPLE. :)

Uncle Teddy always reminds me of Suzie and her harp. I personally think that it is REALLY COOL! :) I am a musician, and I think that most interments are cool, but I must admit a harp fascinates me. :) Suzie and I should get together and have a jam fest. :) I hope that she wouldn’t mind me playing trumpet. :) Or flute, or clarinet…

I'd say more, if I actually had time to type! :) My schedual just seems to get MORE and MORE hectic if that is POSSIBLE! :)







Aunt Peg

Aunt Sharon

Uncle Wiz




Uncle Teddy

Grandma Moore

Grandma S.

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