Cole joins the other Rangers and Princess Shayla on Animaria, a floating island in the sky.
Together with Princess Shayla, the Power Animals, and the Wild Force Rangers, Cole has come to call the Animarium his home.
When in danger, Cole uses his Growl Phone to "Wild Access" into the Red Ranger powers.
When Cole's animal crystals meet his crystal saber, a powerful weapon is formed!
Cole's weapon is the Red Lion Fang.
When it's combined with the Golden Eagle Sword, Black Bison Axe, Blue Shark Fighting Fins, and White Tiger Baton, the Jungle Sword is formed.
Cole also uses a Lion Blaster. It's even more powerful in canon-mode!
When things move too fast for the Rangers to keep up, Cole and his friends call on the Savage Cycles.
BLAZING LION: Cole has found a life-long companion in
the Red Lion Zord. Red Lion provides
the heart of the Wild Force Megazord.
GORILLA ZORD: The Gorilla Zord is Cole's second Power
Animal. Gorilla joins with the other
Animals as the Kongazord.