Louis & Jessica Concert description part 2(ending)
Fri Aug 31 07:18:51 2001

sorry for the long delay! hehe hmmm im started to lose my memory! awww i will try to send the pics soon! promise hehe but wow little barrels pics are super nice!
ok so louis took the stage and sang lots of songs including the song from his new seires. He also sang a song he sang many years ago at karokee, the song that landed him a contract. heehee since it was not his song he hadda read from this paper on stage. at first when he began to sing he sung wrong and said "Ayia stop stop heheh lets start again!!" hehe he had a cute face on! Then shortly Jessica comes back on stage and wipes louis' face with a tissue she like "ayia i have to take of you too!" hehe i thought that was super sweet. And Louis is like thank you "ayia its because i got a little sick thats why im sweating so much" (aww poor louis) So then they just chat a bit and Louis leaves the stage for Jessica. Jessica goes "ok i can shake hands and give autographs now! i changed my shirt!" i think the first song she sang was the love letter song from Wong Faye she was like "i enjoy her songs very much." and she sounded very nice!! sounded like faye almost. i dont think she gave autographs out o shook hands yet b/c it was a slow song and she looked like she was enjoying singing the song. After the song she began to give out autographs again lots of ppl tryin to grab them! so many i didnt get one and i was pretty close hehe she looked so cute giving them out b/c she tried to fling the pics but it didnt go far and she had a funny face on ehehe! After she ran out of pics she began to sing another song, this song i dunno the name for sorry! but she was also very into the song b/c i was tryin to give her my doll and she didn't notice me! hehe after the song she bowed and thanked us we were like awww don't go but shes like "bye im giving the stage to louis." Louis changed his outfit to the white top and dark bottom, and said "don't worry she'll b out again!" he sang a song that he use to always sang to his girlfriend he said "i sang this song so much that it made my gf to leave me." of course he was joking. he gave out a few more pics, and then sang some more gosh i really have a bad memory! grr hehe but i remember him sayin "there was a week where i was very sick during the singing awards period, i was in the hospital for one week straight. i couldnt sleep, i felt really bad and the reporters wouldn't leave me alone. but during this period i got to think a lot." (okee i heard this part! n i was like awww... but then i kinda forgot what he said after tat soo sorry!) i think he said he'll try his hardest. he then started to really move around the stage and said "come on even if everyone can't sing u can dance! get up and dance with me." of course i got up! hehehe and then he looked soo cute he began to jump up and down and swingin his hand. then he left and hes like "maybe i'll come back." hehe and then he leaves and we are like awww LOUIS and stuff and he comes out again! hehehe and then jessica comes out to and says "we're goin to sing a song, since we sang his song b4 we're goin to sing my song now! this is a song from old time buddy." It was a good song! hehehe i enjoyed it alot they looked cool singing it together they were moving around and enjoyin themselves, hehe louis hadda read from the paper but they sounded good very alive! after the song was done they said thank you and bowed together on stage in all directions that was suupper cute!!! hehhehe ok and then the exited and the show ended...
ummm to answer some questions jess and louis spoke chinese through out the whole show, even when they were playin games they asked that they must know cantonese hehe o sorry i cannot translate into chinese i dont have that program in my compt. i hope u enjoyed the description!