The Journal

[8/1/01] ...........


Well, look at this. It seems that I have some sort of website. Rather than some lengthy explanation/half-assed apology, why don't I just recap some of the highlights of the time since my last update.
Stroke my wondrous beard.

I can't grow a beard.

Those are the highlights. Some of the lowlights include my decision to "upgrade" to Mac OS X (I'm having troubles with iMovie, iTunes, printing and Palm software.....and my brother, who works for Apple Technical Support). And, I suppose the beard is actually more of a's sad, I know.

OK, so you, dear reader, may be thinking.....Is Jethro just teasing me, or does he plan to actually regularly update his site? I will say that now that I'm have a part-time job I should have more time for just this sort of frivolity.

But there is a catch.

I actually need to know that people are reading this crap or care in some way about this little endeavour. SO, this means that when I add something like the Online Freak Show, I need you folks to contribute so that I know that I'm not all alone out here in cyberspace.

In closing, thanks for checking in, and please visit The Road of Springfield, one of my favorite distractions of late.

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