you can tell by the title, this is top secret elite four
strategy. It shows the name of the trainer, the type of pokemon
she or he uses, and the levels of the pokemon. It also shows what
pokemon to use against them. Before Battling the Elite Four get
lots of money and buy lots of items. You wont get to rest, not
until you beat them. Gasssttttlyyy!
1st Battle
Trainer: Lorelei
Poketype:Water and ice
Dewgong lvl. 54- Your best bet would be
electric or leaf pokemon.
Cloyster lvl. 53- Same as Dewgong.
Slowbro lvl. 54- Here your best bet would be
grass pokemon.
Jynx lvl. 56- Jynx's weak spot is fire.
Lapras lvl. 56- Get out those electric and
plant pokemon again.
2nd Battle
Trainer: Bruno
Poketype: Rock and fighting
Onix lvl. 53- your best bet would be water
or plant.
Hitmonchan lvl. 55- your best bet would be
bird or psychic.
Hitmonlee lvl. 55- use psychic or bird.
Onix lvl. 56- Take out those plant and water
types again.
Machamp lvl. 58- Careful! This guy knows
fissure so use a bird pokemon that's faster than this guy with
3rd Battle
Trainer: Agatha
Poketype: Ghost and poison
Gengar lvl. 56- use any earth pokemon with
dig or a psychic type pokemon
Golbat lvl. 56- Dig doesn't affect this guy
so use a psychic type pokemon.
Haunter lvl. 55- Use yet another psychic or
ground pokemon.
Arbok lvl. 58- Use a ground or psychic.
Gengar lvl. 60- Use more ground a nd
4th Battle
Trainer: Lance
Poketype: Dragon
Gyarados lvl. 58- Use ice pokemon
Dragonair lvl. 56- Use ice pokemon.
Dragonair lvl. 56- Use ice pokemon
Aerodactyl lvl. 60- Use water pokemon
Dragonite lvl. 62- Use ice pokemon
ITS NOT OVER YET! After the elite
four is Gary! Click on the picture for strategy.