Blastoooiiise! It isn't over yet! After the
elite four you will have to beat Gary! Take lots of healing
because all of his pokemon have a power
level of level 60 or over! That is extremely powerful!
If you have pokémon at level 74 or up this
battle should be easy! Depending on which pokemon he
got Gary will have different teams. Here
they all are! Blastoise!
If he chose Bulbasaur...
Pidgeot lvl. 61
Alakazam lvl. 59
Rhydon lvl. 61
Gyarados lvl. 61
Arcanine lvl. 63
Venusaur lvl. 65
If he chose Charmander...
Pidgeot lvl. 61
Alakazam lvl. 59
Rhydon lvl. 61
Exeggutor lvl. 61
Gyarados lvl. 63
Charizard lvl. 65
If he chose Squirtle...
Pidgeot lvl. 61
Alakazam lvl. 59
Rhydon lvl. 61
Arcanine lvl. 61
Exeggutor lvl. 63
Blastoise lvl. 65