Overall Rating-****1/2(awesome)

EDL- Moment Of Clarity

    EDL Is:

  • Tedd Cookerly- vocals
  • Carl Weaver- guitar
  • Jeff Elbel- bass
  • Eric Wilkins- drums

- - - ->"Moment Of Clarity" is the third release from Long Beach California's, Every Day Life. First off, let me say that this cd is a lot different from "American Standard" or "Disgruntled". I wasn't even sure I liked it the first time I popped it in my cd player. Never fear, though, this cd will not dissapoint. After a couple of listens, I was really into EDL's new musical direction. If you're wondering what their new musical direction is, well, there is a lot more hip-hop on this record. "The Choice Is Yours" and "Wrecking Ball" are the two hip-hop tracks. They are so freakin' tight! If you thought Tedd's rapping was good on "American Standard", prepare to be amazed. The music is slower and has a pop tinged flavor to it. EDL is still really heavy, but they seem to be exploring with new things. The remix for "Endurance" almost has a NIN groove to it. "Moment Of Clarity" boasts 13 new tracks with lots of diversity. With secular distribution and radio play across the country, this cd is bound to be a hot seller. That's why I give EDL's "Moment Of Clarity" four and a half stars.