
Okee Dokee, Here it are - the drills for tonight. We'll try (try? vot do you mean try?! you vill!) to do two drills....

1. We'll place the out of bounds barrier lengthways down the middle of the playing area. Pairs will swim lengths, one
person on each side of the barrier, passing to each other over the barrier. To keep the drill moving reasonably smoothly, if
your first attempt doesn't go over, pass the puck over by hand. You'll have plenty of other opportunities to try again. If you
are never able to pass over the barrier, you and your partner should move to the upended goal, and try flicking the puck over
that (sometimes it's easier to flick from a stationary position), until you feel ready to try the barrier again. If you have no
problem getting it over the barrier every flick, try using an inside flick instead.

2. We'll split into two groups, each at opposite ends of the pool. At each end, we'll position four barrier weights in the form
of a square, with the puck in the middle. Each group will split into teams of three, preferably with all three of similar
abilities (hockey abilities, moron). The teams will be two defenders, with the remaining person the lone offensive player
(where's Tony when you need him!). The objective is for the two defenders to steal the puck away from the offense before
the offense is able to pass to one of the barrier weights (=teammates). Offense starts with the puck, defense immediately
attacks, offense curls, swims, fakes, jukes, and jives to try and get open to release the pass.

The rationale behind this drill is as follows: In a game we (that's all of us) tend to hang to the puck to long. We'll see an
open teammate, and wait awhile before passing. As a result, the teammate is now covered, possession is lost, and you (as
the passer) have run out of air - if you were able to get the pass off at all. Secondly, when we get to tournaments, every one
comments on the pace of the game, and how there is no room to move. Hopefully, this drill combines these two elements -
getting and maintaining possession in the face of fierce defense, and overcoming the defense to release a pas to a teammate
(barrier weights), as soon as that pass is available. Play ends when pass is made (offense wins!), puck is stolen (defense
wins!), or offense runs out of air without passing to teammate (defense wins!). Pass has to land within three feet of barrier
weight to be considered successful.