Results from the UWH Tournament :

Well, the tournament is over, and a fun time was had by all. Following are the
results from the tournament :

1st Place : Champaign - 4 wins
2nd Place : Roger Bacon "A" - 3 wins
3rd Place : MSU "A" - 2 wins

I would like to send a special thanks out to Benny for doing our workshop, and
to the Champaign and Roger Bacon teams for making this tournament possible!

Pictures will be posted soon, as soon as I find the time to index them all ;)

-Nick Kwiatkowski
MSU Scuba & UWH

 The MSU Spartans are proud to announce :

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Michigan State University Scuba & Underwater Hockey
invite YOU to our 3rd Annual Underwater Hockey Tournament

Saturday, April 12th, 2003. MSU Campus. Lansing, Michigan

For more information, or to RSVP, please contact :
Nick Kwiatkowski 517-353-0529 -or- Michael Hughes -- -----------------------------MSU SCUBA CLUB---------------------------------- Funded by the ASMSU Funding Board Sponsored by Woody's Oasis Bar and Grill mailbox: club office: rm 243 IM West MSU Scuba Club IM West rm. 205 East Lansing ,MI 48824 |\ |\ | \ OoOo \ \ \ \ oOoo \ \ / `~~~--__ oOo AWTCH / \___----~~' `~~-_ o _______ __________ \ /// (O) `\_(__||___)________/____ / /~~~~-, ,__. , /// __,,,,) || o ______/ \ \/ \/ `~~~; ,---~~-_`_= \ \---||--o-' \ / / / / \ |_./ _/_/ down where it's wetter, that's where it's better, UNDER THE SEA!!!! _____________________________________________________________ To unsubscribe: For help, go to
If you need further help, email

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