Kachai Birayani

Recipe By : Jay narayan Ghosh
Serving Size : 8 Preparation Time :0:40
Categories : Cereals

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------

1 Kg Basamati Rice

2 Kg Khsahi (Lamb) -- 2'' Chunks

250 Grams Onions -- Sliced 1/4" Thick

250 Grams Ghee

60 Grams Ginger

30 Grams Garlic

6 Nos Cinnamon

6 Nos Cardamom

5 Grams Cloves

45 G Red Chilli Pwd -- Roasted

300 G Yoghurt

60 Ml Keora

500 G Potatoes -- Diced

100 G Almonds

100 G Pistachio Nuts

100 G Salt

150 G Sugar

* Marinate the meat with salt, ginger, garlic and leave for 30-minutes.

* Brown the onions in ghee, add ginger, garlic and add the garam masala.

* Add the meat pieces and the red chilli powder, with yoghurt and keora water and give second marination.

* Fry the potatoes, and place it over the meat and leave the meat to marinate for the third time.

* Pour the rice into the boiling water and cook till three-fourth.

* Save the drained water of the rice add ghee, and the meat.

* Spread the rice evenly, add the meat and the potatoes in layering.

* Add the water, put on a slow fire and seal the lid with a thick flour and water paste.

* Before serving mix the rice, meat and the potatoes and garnish with almonds and pistachio.