My Dreams

Oh, let me dream, (It's only right)
To run, to jump, so long (so high),
To pass the ball, right to the sky,
To ski, to skate, and even ... fly
And never ask the question,

It gives me such release to know,
In dreams, I can excel and go!
I feel it all - I'm very strong!
My legs are muscled, straight and long.
My hands can clutch and hold so tight.
I have a warrior's strength and might!

And when I wake to face the day,
I know I'll do...another way.
But with my mind, I'll play the game;
To make life worth the effort - pain.

One day, I'LL wake to sleep no more,
Bedazzled by a golden shore
And I won't dream ~ but, I WILL run.
I'll laugh and shout with God'
s own Son!

'Til then, I
'll serve with body frail;
So very weak and sometimes pale.

I know it will be worth it all.
I'll hold my faith 'til clarion call.
I'll dream my dreams, until I see
The Lord of Mercy set me free!

©2002 by Joan Clifton Costner

This poem was written for my grandsons Richard & Michael, they both have Muscular Dystrophy to learn more about Muscular Dystrophy or if you would like to Donate to MDA (Muscular Dystrophy please click on the links below.

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Joan's Photos ] A Better Way ] Leaning On Grandpa ] Mother ] Going to Heaven ] Her Little Hand In Mine ] Brandy 3 mos. ] [ My Dreams ] Nicky ]