The Real Life Of Triple H and His Family
The Real Triple H Bio of 2002


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My Husband Triple H

Friday, May 9, 1997

The Hunter and his prey

An interview with Hunter Hearst-Helmsley

GREG OLIVER -- SLAM! Wrestling

Q: What has Chynna brought to your matches?
A: Chynna's brought a confidence to my matches because I don't have to worry about anybody coming in from behind or jumping me from behind or when I'm down, people attacking me or coming at me with a chair. She's there to basically watch my back and that has added a confidence to my match because when I don't have to worry about that I can focus on winning and on business at hand. And that's what I do.

Q: Why do you need her?
A: I just think in the World Wrestling Federation right now, if you're watching the show, gang warfare seems to be something that is very prevalent in professional wrestling right now, in every organization. In the WWF especially, you have the NOD, Bret Hart and the Hart Foundation. You have all these different groups of people, there even seems to be forming some sort of alliance between Shawn Michaels and Steve Austin. You know, you have all these alliances with people going on and when you have more than one person to worry about in the ring you need to have somebody to watch your back so you can focus on the business at hand. That's what she's there for.

Q: Do you see yourself getting involved in any of these alliances?
A: If it comes to that, then that's what I will do. I've always been kind of an independent person and enjoy having success on my own, with just Chynna. If it comes to that, then I will find the people I need to be successful in this business, but until that time, I will continue to do what I do best and that's just go in the ring and win.

Q: Some people would say that you were part of a gang that apparently running the WWF. The Clique. How has that changed in the last little while since everyone's left and come and gone?
A: As far as the behind the scenes goes, and the Clique goes, there's still a Clique, but now we run two companies. We just divided and conquered. Half of us went south and half of us stayed in New York. As far as inside the ring goes, when we're inside the ring we're all business. If Shawn Michaels regains the WWF title then he's what I want. The WWF title is what I want and that's what I'll go after. ... As far as us having the power and running the wrestling business, anytime you have a group of wrestlers who are on top of the business they're going to be listened to, especially if their thoughts and their viewpoints are good they're going to be listened to. And that's what happened. It wasn't like we forcefully took over the business, it was that we were better than everyone else.

Q: Do you ever see yourself heading back down south to WCW?
A: Well you never say never, but the World Wrestling Federation right now is my home. Vince McMahon has treated me very well. If I wanted to go to WCW, I had the opportunity a year ago when Kevin and Scott and The Kid left. But I didn't. I chose to stay where I was because I still feel in my heart that the World Wrestling Federation is the better organization, more oriented towards wrestling and giving the a better product. I think there's a war between WCW and the WWF and I think the WWF will run in the long run, because all WCW knows how to do is take what the WWF has made and try to use it to their advantage. They don't know how to create, they only know how to take. Most of the people that did go there, for example Hogan and Savage, they were at the end of their ropes here. I don't really think they could compete in the WWF anymore. As far as Kevin and Scott go, you know, WCW works a lot less than we do and quality of life what a big concern to them. They wanted to be home more. Kevin Nash just had a baby and he'd like to be home with his baby and his wife. That's a big factor to those guys and when the offer was made they took the opportunity to work less, go down there and try something new. And that's what they did. I can never say never because you can never know what's going to happen in this business but at the same I'm perfectly happen where I am. My goals are the same as they were two years ago when I walked in the door here and that's to be the WWF champion.

Q: You've been feuding with Goldust. Just this past week he's 'come out of the closet' as Dustin Rhodes or Dustin Runnels. How do you feel about that?
A: As far as I'm concerned, Goldust coming out of the closet, if that's what people want to say, he's not saying that he's a homosexual. He's saying that he portrayed a homosexual to try to make a name for himself. He preyed on people's worst fears. Now he's decided that all that time he had people hating him that he didn't really like it now he's going to bear his soul and hopefully people will like him ... I think that's a waste of time and he's a hypocrite. I think that he's doing whatever he can to play off the fans, whether it's their fears or their sympathies. That's what he's trying to do. Now is an opportune time, with TV shows like Ellen where coming out is a big thing. His character being of that nature, it's the perfect time to do it. I think he's just trying to capitalize off the point that society's at. If it works for him great. I had no problem with Goldust the character. I had a problem with Dustin Runnels. I think that we've settled that in the ring. I've shown the world on more than one occasion that I'm a better wrestler than he is.

Q: But he's still coming out of the stands on national TV to attack you.
A: Well, he comes out of the stands to attack me. How many times does he have to go on a pay-per-view or on national TV and be embarrassed by me before he realizes that enough is enough. And I think he's finally realized that and that's why he's changed directions and had a go at this whole coming out of the closet thing. I embarrassed him at the Royal Rumble. I beat him right in the middle of the ring with the Pedigree. We went to WrestleMania. Same exact thing. I beat him right in the middle of the ring with the Pedigree. Sooner or later he's going to realize that I'm just better than he is. I'm in better shape than he is, a better athlete than he is and a better wrestler than he is.

Q: This weekend you're facing Flash Funk on In Your House PPV. Is this a step down for you?
A: It's step back towards where I want to go. I was involved in something with Goldust that did nothing for me. When I lost the Intercontinental title, I never really faced Rocky Maivia to try and get it back in any serious fashion. He did me a favor. He took a burden off of me, because all the Intercontinental title was doing to me was holding me back from my real goal which was the WWF championship. I wasn't going to get a fair shot at that while I had the Intercontinental belt. But in the meantime, I got caught up in a feud with Dustin Runnels or Goldust or whatever he wants to call himself today. Now is the time for me to start proving myself again. Any time you start back after a goal you start back at the bottom. Flash Funk is my first step. Flash Funk, when everyone sees me Pedigree him in the middle of the ring, easily they're going to give the next step. I'm going to take that step until I get to whoever is the champion, whether it's the Undertaker, whether it's Steve Austin, whether it's Bret Hart, whether it's Shawn Michaels. It doesn't matter to me who it is because I feel in my heart that in that ring I have no equal. I'm better than all those wrestlers.

Q: Do you feel you match up better against some of them?
A: I would much more enjoy a match with wrestlers the style of Shawn Michaels or Steve Austin. The Undertaker's champion, that's where I need to go and that's who I will face. Although the Undertaker's a lot different in style and a lot more difficult to wrestle, when I say I have no equal in the ring, I mean everybody. So I feel I can be WWF champion.

Q: To shift gears a little bit. Can I just get a little bit of background. Where did you grow up?
A: In Connecticut. In Greenwich, Connecticut.

Q: You were born there?
A: Yes.

Q: You have a very French [real] name [Jean-Paul Lesveque]. Did you grow up in a French family?
A: Yeah.

Q: How did you get involved in pro wrestling?
A: Basically I was a big fan growing up, and it was something that I always wanted to do. I had the ability to do what I wanted to do in life, and that's what I did. When other kids were watching football, baseball and basketball I was watching professional wrestling. My heroes growing up were different than everyone else's that weren't wrestling fans. Ric Flairs, and people like that. It's just what I wanted to do, and when the time came that I was able to, I did. I enlisted the help of Killer Kowalski, who trained me, and went from there.

Q: So you've been wrestling about five years now?
A: About five years, yeah.

.... brief talk about the
Canadian Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame. ...

Q: What kind of things will you be talking about at the Boys and Girls Club tonight?
A: Won't know until I get there. I'm just going to wing it. If they're brats, I'm going to tell them to quit school and talk back to their mothers.

Q: Is this something you do a lot?
A: Whenever the WWF needs me to do it. I work for the World Wrestling Federation and if we need to come in and spread our name around, or get promotion for our towns, then that's what we do. I enjoy doing this kind of thing, going in and talking to kids. When I'm wrestling, I'm a 'bad guy' so-to-speak. That's all part of our game that we do. I enjoy going in and talking to kids. If they want to do something with their lives, all they have to do is do it.

Q: Do you consider this a night off from wrestling?
A: Well, it's a night off from wrestling, but it's not really a night off. I night off would be me being home. It's a night off from wrestling. I don't have to go get punched by anybody, or have a 400-pound person land on me, so that's kind of nice. It's a night of work nonetheless.

Q: Thanks for your time.
A: Thank you.

More on Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Please Don`t Take Pic`s
 If You Do I will take them
 back so plz don`t take i am
  Triple H wife Jewls in Real
  Life :)

WWF Photo Gallery

March 3, 2000
SLAM! Wrestling Gallery Photo

The Rock Rock Bottoms the WWF World Champion Triple H at Toronto's SkyDome on March 3, 2000. -- Ernest Doroszuk, Toronto Sun

A True Song For Hunter and Jewls  11-18-02
Jewls Dedicated this Song To The Game Today
"(Everything I Do) I Do It For You"

Look into my eyes - you will see
What you mean to me
Search your heart - search your soul
And when you find me there you'll search no more
Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for
You know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you

Look into my heart - you will find
There's nothin' there to hide
Take me as I am - take my life
I would give it all I would sacrifice
Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for
I can't help it there's nothin' I want more
Ya know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you

There's no love - like your love
And no other - could give more love
There's nowhere - unless you're there
All the time - all the way

Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
I can't help it there's nothin' I want more
I would fight for you - I'd lie for you
Walk the wire for you - Ya I'd die for you

Ya know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you

Credit for these pics goes to Hunter's Paradise
And This is Jewls with Paul Jean

WWF Photo Gallery

March 3, 2000
SLAM! Wrestling Gallery Photo

The Rock slam the Big Show (left) and the World Champion Triple H together at Toronto's SkyDome on March 3, 2000. -- Ernest Doroszuk, Toronto Sun

WWF Photo Gallery

April 18, 1999
SLAM! Wrestling Gallery Photo

X-Pac lays an elbow into the midsection of HHH during their bout on the WWF card at Skyreach Centre in Edmonton on April 18, 1999. -- Brendon Dlouhy, Edmonton Sun

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WWF Wrestlemania X- Seven Gallery

Triple H Working Out
I Love You Hunter

B'day  27th July 1969                   
Greenwich Connecticut

My wife and kids
Shawn,Vince,Steph,Eric &Kane

Best Feature
My looks
Worst Habit
My Temper
Ultimate Goal
To be the best dad I can to my kids
Person most like to meet
working out,playing with my kids

I Dedicate This Song 11-18-02
To: My Husband Paul Jean The
Real Game or H_H_H
Love  Your Wife Jewls :)
"Please Forgive Me"

Still feels like our first night together
Feels like the first kiss, it's gettin' better baby
No one can better this...
Still holdin' on, you're still the one
First time our eyes met, same feelin' I get
Only feels much stronger, wanna love ya longer
You still turn the fire on...
So if you're feelin' lonely don't
you're the only one I ever want
I only wanna make it good
so if I love ya a little more than I should
Please forgive me, I know not what I do...
...I can't stop lovin' you
Don't deny me this pain I'm going through...
...if I need ya like I do
Please believe me every word I say is true...
...our best times are together...
...touch, still gettin' closer baby
Can't get close enough...
Still holdin' on, still number one
I remember the smell of your skin...everything
...all your, yeah!
...the nights ya know I still do...
...One thing I'm sure of is the way we make love
And one thing I depend on is for us to stay strong
With every word and every breath I'm prayin'
That's why I'm sayin'...
...Never leave me I don't know what I'd do...


                                             Being with you

Being with you is like a dream come true,
I never thought it could happen to me.
You are the love of my life.
I wanna be with only you.
I wanna be the one you fall asleep with and wakeup to.
You make me smile no matter what the situation.
You changed my life.
I don't know what I would do without you.
I want to be with you forever,
please say you do too. 
This Poem Is Dedicated
To Triple H or The Game
by J.M.L.

I Sang It To My Husband
 Last Nite 11-17-2002
 The Real Triple
  H. I Dedicate This Song
  To Ya Paul Jean

Back At One"

Its undeniable...that we should be together...
Its unbelievable how I used to say that I found in her...
The places you need to know, if you don't know just how I feel,
Then let me show you now that I'm for real...
If all things in time, time will reveal...

One...your like a dream come true...
Two... jus wanna be with you...
Three... girl its plain to see...that your the only one for me...
Four...repeat steps one to three...
Five... make you fall in love with me...
If ever I believe our work is done....then I start Back at One.(yeah)

So Incrediable...the way things work themselves out...
And all emotional, once you know that its all about babe...
And undesirable...for us to be apart...
Never would of made it very far...
Cause you know that you got the keys to my heart

One...your like a dream come true
Two... jus wanna be with you
Three... girl its plain to see..that your the only one for me
Four...repeat steps one to three
Five... make you fall in love with me
If ever I believe our work is done....then I start Back at One......

Say farewell to the dark night...I see the coming of the sun...
I feel like a little child..whose life has jus begun...
You came and reached into the light,
Into this lonely heart of mine...
You threw out the life line...just in the Nick of Tiimmmeeee.....

One...your like a dream come true
Two... jus wanna be with you
Three... girl its plain to see..that your the only one for me..girl and...
Four...repeat steps one to three
Five... make you fall in love with me
If ever I believe our work is done....then I start Back at One.

Triple H`s Real Wife
Jewls and Mother Of His Kids

Jewls Maria Smith 

 b-day May 7, 1969

 Born in Mexico moved to Greenwich

Conn  and met Hunter at 13

Jewls is  the woman`s  champ  and The Best

 for  pro back wrestlin league.

And  Married Triple H

3 yrs ago in las vegas and we

  renew their  vows 9-13-2002  Triple

H Has a 4 year old daughter and  boys

and a girl and 3 on the way by jewls

And they  are also high school sweethearts

and Jewls is Jeff Nero Hardy`s Ex


Raw is War Archives-Pictures from recent Raw is Wars

Smack Down Archives-Pictures from recent Smackdowns

Pay Per View Archives-PIctures from Pay Per Views

Scans-Pictures scanned from WWF and Raw Magazines

HHH and Stephanie pictures-Pictures of the most powerful couple in the WWF

HHH and Chyna-Pictures of HHH and his former body guard

HHH with WWF Titles-Pictures with the belts he has held

HHH and DX-Pictures of HHH in Dx

Before HHH-When he was known as Terra Ryzing,Jean Paul Levesque

"The King" music video-HHH in the Run DMC video

The McMahon-Hemsley Era-Where HHH,Stephanie, and DX rule the WWF

HHH in the gym-HHH working out

HHH on Regis-
HHH promoting the WWF Cook Book

HHH doing the People's Elbow-HHH and The Rock drop the elbow

HHH Match Promo-HHH Promoting his matches

HHH promotional Pictures-HHH promomating Raw,Smackdown, PPV,or other stuff

Action Figures-Figures made of HHH

Mr.Olympic-Pictures of HHH from the bodybuilding contest in 2000

K Rock Radio-HHH and Stepahnie on K Rock Radio before Wrestlemania

DX invades WCW-HHH and DX attack WCW

Early DX-HHH,Shawn Micheals,Chyna

Magazine Covers-Pics of HHH on WWF,RAW or other magazines

HHH on Drew Carey-Pics of HHH on Drew Carey

GNC Commercial-Pics of HHH making his commercial

Weider Commercial-Screen caputures from the commercial

Kat-Kam-pictures taken from the Kats digital camera

WM X-7 Axxess-Pictures from the Wrestlemania X-7 Fan Festival

HHH on Saturday Night Live-Pictures when HHH appeared on snl with other WWF Superstars

WWF Magazine shoot for November-HHH photo shoot for the WWF Magazine

Leading up to Judgment Day '01-The fued between the Game and Kane

Leading up to No Mercy '00-Build up to the No Mercy match between HHH and Chris Benoit

Autographs-HHH's autographs on pictures

Autograph Sessions-HHH at autograph sessions

Live Photos-Pictures taken from WWF Events

Racing in Englishtown
-The unveiling of HHH's funny car

Animated HHH
-Southpark and Simpsons cartoon pics

Fox and Friends
-Images from the 3-8-01 show

Don't try this at home Commercial-Pics of HHH in the Dont try this at home commercial

Smackdown 3 Game-Screenshots of HHH in Smackdown 3 Just Bring It for Playstation 2

Gordy Memorial Show-HHH made a special appearance at the Terry Gordy Memorial Show

The Game Titan Tron-Pics from HHH's current Titan Tron

WWF Excess Commercial-PIcs of HHH in the Excess Commercial

WrestleMania 18 Pep Rally-HHH at the WM XVIII Pep Rally

New York Licsening Show-HHH and SMH at the New York Licsening Show

Return Promo Pics-Pictures saying when HHH was returning

Stills-Still pictures of HHH

Total Request Live- HHH on TRL

Wrestlemania Flasback-HHH on Wrestlemania Flashback

Triple H WallPaper

 Paul`s- HHH wallpaper


Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 260 pounds
From: Greenwich, Connecticut
Favorite Quote: "I am the Game and I am that damn good."
Finishing move: Pedigree 
Career Highlights: WWE Champion (5); World Heavyweight Champion; Intercontinental Champion (4); Tag Team Champion; European Champion (2); King of the Ring 1997

Triple H calls himself "The Game," and you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who disagrees with that assumption.

Since making his WWE debut in the spring of 1995, Hunter Hearst Helmsley has done it all in the sports-entertainment industry. He's the only man in the history of the business to have been a Grand Slam Champion and to have won King of the Ring and the Royal Rumble.

Triple H's dedication to the business was never more evident than on the May 21, 2001, episode of RAW. On that night, The Game teamed with Stone Cold Steve Austin to take on Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho in a Tag Team Championship match. During the bout, Triple H tore his left quadriceps muscle completely off the bone. Yet The Game found the heart to finish the bout, never once even thinking about giving up.

After eight months of hellacious rehab, The Game returned to a hero's welcome on the Jan. 7, 2002, episode of RAW. Now a fan favorite for the first time in years, Triple H has also broken up with his wife, Stephanie McMahon and signed with RAW, where he finds himself at the top of WWE once again.

[x] Exclusive Raw Images 9/30/02
All images were capped by webbie and may not be used elsewhere without my permission

The Towel Scene : Jewls& Hunter  I Dedcate this

 part to ya`ll


Triple H vs Bubba Ray Dudley


I Dance 4 Triple H
 My Husband tonight
 and I Sang To My Sexy
 Husband I dedicate this
 To The Real Paul Jean
 Love Your Sexy Wife
 Jewls 11-29-2002
"Rock The Boat"

Boy You Know You Make Me Float
Boy You Really Get Me High
I Feel Like I'm On Dope
Cause You Serve Me On A Regular
Boy You Gotta Stroke
Before Drifting Me Deeper
Your There Now Hold Me Close
Boy Let's Take This Overboard Now

I Want You To
(Rock The Boat)
Rock The Boat, Rock The Boat
Rock The Boat, Rock The Boat
(Work It In The Middle)
Work The Middle, Work The Middle
Work The Middle, Work The Middle
(Change Positions For Me)
Change Positions, New Positions
New Positions, New Positions
(Now Stroke It Baby)
Stroke It For Me, Stroke It For Me
Stroke It For Me, Stroke It For Me

[verse 2:]
Ooooh Baby I Love Your Stroke
Cause You, Cause You Get Me To Where I'm Going
In A Jury You'll Get My Vote
Cause I Believe, I Believe You Know Just What You Doing Now
Baby Now We Can Coast
Let's Do It In A Hurry
That's Too Slow
Go Ahead And Put That Thing In Over Drive

I Want You To
(Rock The Boat)
Rock The Boat, Rock The Boat
Rock The Boat, Rock The Boat
(Work It In The Middle)
Work The Middle, Work The Middle
Work The Middle, Work The Middle
(Change Positions For Me)
Change Positions, New Positions
New Positions, New Positions
(Now Stroke It Baby)
Stroke It For Me, Stroke It For Me
Stroke It For Me, Stroke It For Me

I Want You To
(Rock The Boat)
Rock The Boat, Rock The Boat
Rock The Boat, Rock The Boat
(Work It In The Middle)
Work The Middle, Work The Middle
Work The Middle, Work The Middle
(Change Positions For Me)
Change Positions, New Positions
New Positions, New Positions
(Now Stroke It Baby)
Stroke It For Me, Stroke It For Me
Stroke It For Me, Stroke It For Me

I Need You To Use Yourself
Like You Never Ever Used It Before
To Explore My Body
Until You Reach The Shore
You'll Be Calling, Calling For More

(Rock The Boat)
Rock The Boat, Rock The Boat
Rock The Boat, Rock The Boat
(Work It In The Middle)
Work The Middle, Work The Middle
Work The Middle, Work The Middle
(Change Positions For Me)
Change Positions, New Positions
New Positions, New Positions
(Now Stroke It Baby)
Stroke It For Me, Stroke It For Me
Stroke It For Me, Stroke It For Me

I Want You To
(Rock The Boat)
Rock The Boat, Rock The Boat
Rock The Boat, Rock The Boat
(Work It In The Middle)
Work The Middle, Work The Middle
Work The Middle, Work The Middle
(Change Positions For Me)
Change Positions, New Positions
New Positions, New Positions
(Now Stroke It Baby)
Stroke It For Me, Stroke It For Me
Stroke It For Me, Stroke It For Me

(Rock The Boat)
Rock The Boat, Rock The Boat
Rock The Boat, Rock The Boat
Work The Middle, Work The Middle
Work The Middle, Work The Middle
(Change Positions For Me)
Change Positions, New Positions
New Positions, New Positions
Stroke It For Me, Stroke It For Me
Stroke It For Me, Stroke It For Me

(Rock The Boat)
Rock The Boat, Rock The Boat
Rock The Boat, Rock The Boat

 I dedicated this song to my
 husband triple H and I sang
 it to him tonight 11-29-2002
"The Way You Make Me Feel"

Couldn't feel much better
Than the way
I feel tonight
Feel like I
Could live forever
Feel like I
Could fly
When I thought
I'd get it wrong, yeah
You somehow
Make things right

That's the way
You make me feel
Better than
I've ever known it
Better than
It's ever been
I can't seem
To control it, no
The way you make me feel
Like the sun coming up
In the morning
Like holding the world
In your hands
In a way I could
Never imagine (yeah)
The way you
ake me feel

I couldn't feel much better
Than when
I'm here with you
You make everything
Seem so easy
I'm telling you the truth
You never try
To please me
But somehow
You always do

[Repeat chorus]

The way you
Make me feel, yeah
The way you
Make me feel

The simple things
You do to me
Simple things you say
I sometimes can't believe
It's for real

[Repeat chorus]

The way you
Make me feel, yeah
The way you
Make me feel
The way you
Make me feel

The Game - Gallery 1

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Gallery 2


These pics were snapped by Kelly of Intellectual-Desire and may not be used on any other site without her permission

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DeGeneration X

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Triple H on CNN - 11/15/02
These caps were sent to me by Kim and may not be used on any other site without her permission

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Gallery 2


Paul Levesque

His Family
His Home
His Car
His Music
His Hobby
His Women

The Game - Gallery 1

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Poem To Triple H
Written for you
by J.M.L. your
sexy wife

                                                     dream come tru

Here we go again with a long distance love
But yours is a special one that flys high above

 our love is higher than the stars
 and u have left scars of love on my heart

 as far apart as we may be
we'll be together just wait and see

 i beileve tru love  exist between me and u

 and  in between that love nothing will stand so trust me on this trip and take my hand
 we'll go away to paradise and dream away sweet love charms

dreams of  me holding you tight with  firm arms you'll be protected and kept warm
just remember one more thing and never forget  that I love you

I want to  heal your heart from all the pain
And  blow them away till I turn blue

To care for you is what I plan because all I need in life is you
 u make me laugh u make me feel wanted
being with you makes me loose those  feelings  that make me feel  haunted
in hard  and bad time you are there to hold me and tell me its going to be alright

ill love you till the day I become death and out of sight
because youre the one I was ment ot be with

its my wish come true to be with you...........

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Card Title

Louis Ferrigno & Triple H Louis Ferrigno & Triple H Triple H Triple H
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736580  Spellman 
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736577  Spellman 
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736524  Spellman 
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736525  Spellman 

Louis Ferrigno & Triple H Louis Ferrigno & Triple H Louis Ferrigno & Triple H Louis Ferrigno greets Triple H
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736578  Spellman 
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736579  Spellman 
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736581  Spellman 
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Rare Pictures







   Triple H's career took a dramatic upward swing when he enlisted the services of his female bodyguard, Chyna. The duo joined forces with Shawn Michaels to form D-Generation X and change the face of the World Wrestling Federation forever. After Shawn took time off for injuries, Triple H asserted himself as a premier superstar by taking over as leader of the faction.

But one year later, Triple H went from one of the most popular superstars in the Federation to one of the most hated in a matter of seconds when he turned his back on DX and aligned himself with Shane McMahon.

Whether or not fans support Triple H, there's no denying that his career really took off after he left DX. Like a lead singer that leaves a band for a solo career, Triple H made a statement that he wasn't content merely to be a frontman. Triple H's actions since he went solo have not made him popular, but they have made him successful, culminating with him capturing the Federation Championship.

Enter Triple H Unleashed

These pics are scanned from some Japanese wrestling magazines.
If you want to use these pics on your site, It's OK, but please  link to my site "HHH MANIACS", and you must not direct link to these pics.
And now...Enjoy!

Miscellaneous Pictures



 Raw 11/11/02_______________
All images were capped by webbie and may not be used elsewhere without my permission

Fast Facts



Young Triple H Pictures




"Like the song says it ain't bragging if you can back it up, and I can back up every single word I say because I am the Game and I am that damn good." - Triple

WWE TV Screencaps_______________

Confidential, July 27, 2002 (27 photos)
Excess August, 2001 (33 photos)
DX Invades New York City (15 photos)
Exclusive backstage photos at the Royal Rumble 2000 (19 photos)
Triple H & Lucy (his dog) (16 photos)
WWE Superstars 5/27/01 (34 photos)
Wrestlemania 15 Rage Party (19 photos)
WWE's Super Tuesday (30 photos)



Below are some Triple H animations made by me. If using them please provide a link back to - thank you.

Triple H impersonating HBK's entrance on Raw

Triple H impersonating Ric Flair by doing the 'walk' and woooooo!!! on Raw

Triple H coming out in a towel

Triple H getting Sweet Chin Music by HBK (credit: Samantha

Triple H eliminating Kurt Angle to win the 2002 Rumble (credit: Samantha

Triple H and his sadistic smile after he hit HBK at SummerSlam 2002 with the sledgehammer (credit: Samantha

Triple H on CNN 11/15/02 (credit: Samantha

\\ rewind

Global Warning Show/Fan Frenzy/Charity Event Photos

Photo credited to WWE Down Under

Charity Ball

Photos submitted by Aussie Blonde Bombshell and were taken August 2002 in Melbourne, Australlia.

All photos seen below were found on here & here & over at's international section. Photos do not belong too me, if you own these and want them taken down please email me and I will do that.

\\ rewind

Do you remember this Raw?_______________ 

Do you Remember?



Past Remember this Raw's

This was the 10/30/00 RAW. Edge had a birthday party and Stephanie was real sick. Triple H had her go back to the hotel to ge some rest to get better and also so he can get to Kurt Angle

This was the 2/28/00 Raw. The night after Triple H retired Mick Foley at No Way Out. Hunter & Stephanie played a "tribute" video to Mick Foley~


/ Raw Match History

1995 Raw Match History

May 22: Triple H vs John Chrystal
June 19: Triple H vs Buck Quartermaine
July 10: Triple H vs Matt Hardy
August 14: Triple H vs Jeff Hardy
October 2: Triple H vs Barry Horowitz
October 16: Triple H vs Doink the Clown
October 23: Wrestles in a Battle Royal
November 13: Triple H vs Henry Godwinn
November 27: John Chrystal

1996 Raw Match History

January 1: Triple H vs Henry O. Godwinn
January 22: Triple H vs Razor Ramon
March 4: Triple H vs Bret Hart March 25: Triple H vs Aldo Montoya
April 8: Triple H vs Duke Droese
June 3: Triple H vs Jake Roberts
June 17: Triple H vs Aldo Montoya
June 24: Triple H vs Ahmed Johnson
September 6: Triple H vs Sycho Sid
September 23: Triple H vs The Stalker
October 14: Triple H vs Freddie Joe Floyd
October 21: Triple H vs Marc Mero
December 2: Triple H & Billy Gunn vs Marc Mero & Jake Roberts
December 9: Triple H vs Sycho Sid
December 23: Triple H vs Marc Mero
December 30: Triple H vs Flash Funk

1997 Raw Match History

January 13: Triple H & Jerr Lawler vs Goldust & Marc Mero
February 3: Triple H vs Marc Mero
February 10: Triple H vs The Rock March 3: Triple H vs Bret Hart
March 17: Triple H vs Flash Flunk
March 24: Triple H vs Bart Gunn
March 31: Triple H vs Goldust
April 14: Triple H vs Jesse James
April 21: Triple H vs Undertaker
April 28: Triple H vs Goldust
May 12: Triple H vs Ahmed Johnson
May 19: Triple H vs Crush
May 26: Triple H vs Rockabilly
June 2: Triple H vs Goldust
June 16: Triple H vs Phinneas Godwinn
June 23: Triple H vs Owen Hart, & Goldust
July 7, 1997: Triple H vs Steve Austin
July 21: Triple H vs The Patriot
July 28: Triple H vs Vader
August 4: Triple H vs Vader
August 18: Triple H & Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker & Mankind
September 1: Triple H vs Undertaker
September 22: Triple H vs Cactus Jack
September 29: Triple H vs Undertaker
October 6: Triple H vs Bret Hart
October 13: Triple H vs Ahmed Johnson
October 27: Triple H vs Goldust
November 10: Triple H vs Ken Shamrock
December 1: Triple H vs Jim Neidhart
December 15: Triple H & Shawn Michaels vs Legion of Doom
December 22: Triple H vs Shawn Michaels

1998 Raw Match History

March 9: Triple H vs Savio Vega
March 17: Triple H vs Owen Hart
April 6: Triple H & New Age Outlaws vs The Disciples of Apocalypse
April 20: Triple H & New Age Outlaws vs LOD2000
May 4: Triple H, Xpac, & New Age Outlaws vs LOD2000
May 11: Triple H vs Owen Hart
May 25: Triple H vs Rock
June 15: Triple H vs Xpac
June 22: Triple H vs Rock
June 29: Triple H vs Owen Hart vs Ken Shamrock
July 13: Triple H vs Owen Hart & Rock
July 20: Triple H vs D'Lo Brown
July 27: Triple H & Xpac vs The Rock
August 3: Triple H vs Xpac
August 17: Triple H & DX vs Nation of Domination
September 7: Dx vs Kaientai
September 14: Triple H vs Owen Hart
December 14: Triple H vs The Rock
December 21: Triple H & Xpac vs The Rock & Test
December 28: Triple H vs Ken Shamrock

1999 Raw Match History

January 4: Triple H vs Mankind
January 11: Triple H vs Edge
January 25: Triple H vs The Rock
February 1: Triple H vs Kane
March 1: Triple H & Xpac vs Owen Hart & Jeff Jarrett
March 29: Triple H vs Xpac
April 5: Triple H & The Rock vs Big Show
April 12: Triple H & Test vs Xpac & Kane
April 26: Triple H vs Billy Gunn
May 3: Triple H vs Ken Shamrock
May 10: Triple H, Shane McMahon & Undertaker vs Vince McMahon, Steve Austin & The Rock
May 17: Triple H vs Steve Austin
May 24: Triple H vs Al Snow
May 31: Triple H vs Mankind
June 7: Triple H vs The Rock
June 21: Triple H vs Undertaker
June 28: Triple H vs The Rock
July 5: Triple H vs The Rock
July 12: Triple H, Chyna & Billy Gunn vs The Rock, Xpac & Road Dogg
July 19: Triple H vs Undertaker
July 26: Triple H vs Ken Shamrock
August 9: Triple H vs Chyna vs Undertaker
August 16: Triple H vs Mankind
August 23: Triple H vs Mankind (wins 1st WWF championship!)
September 6: Triple H vs Billy Gunn
September 13: Triple H vs Steve Austin
September 20: Triple H & Chyna vs Shane McMahon & Test
September 27: Triple H vs The Rock
October 25: Triple H vs Mankind
November 1: Triple H vs Shane McMahon
November 8: Triple H vs Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, & Test
November 15: Triple H vs Kane
November 22: Triple H vs The Acolytes
November 29: did not wrestle but marries Stephanie McMahon!
December 6: Triple H & Xpac vs Kane & Test
December 20: Triple H aka Santa Claus vs Mankind
December 27: Triple H vs Big Show

2000 Raw Match History

January 3: Triple H vs Big Show (wins 2nd WWF title!)
January 10: Triple H vs Xpac
January 17: Triple H & Xpac vs The Acolytes
January 24: Triple H & Big Show vs Rock & Rikishi
January 31: Triple H vs Kane
February 14: Triple H & Big Show vs Kane
February 21: Triple H, Xpac & Big Show vs The Rock, Cactus Jack & Kane
February 28: Triple H & Big Show vs The Rock
March 6: Triple H vs Rikishi
March 13: Triple H, Xpac, & Road Dogg vs Too Cool & Rikishi
March 20: Triple H vs Big Show vs The Rock
April 10: Triple H vs Taka Michinuko
April 17: Triple H, Xpac, & Road Dogg vs Chris Jericho & The Acolytes
April 24: Triple H & Chris Benoit vs Chris Jericho & The Rock
June 5: Triple H vs The Rock
June 12: Triple H vs Chris Jericho
June 26: Triple H & Kurt Angle vs The Rock
July 3: Triple H vs Rikishi
July 10: Triple H vs Xpac
July 17: Triple H & Kurt Angle vs Undertaker & Kane
July 31: Triple H & Trish Stratus vs The Rock & Lita
August 7: Triple H vs Kurt Angle vs Chris Jericho
August 14: Triple H, Kurt Angle, & Shane McMahon vs The Rock & The Dudley Boyz
August 21: Triple H & Kurt Angle vs The Acolytes
August 28: Triple H vs Eddie Guerrero
September 4: Triple H vs Test
September 11: Triple H vs Chris Jericho
September 18: Triple H, Steph McMahon & Kurt Angle vs T&A & Trish Stratus
October 2: Triple H vs Kurt Angle
October 9: Triple H & Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit & Xpac
October 16: Triple H vs Kane
October 23: Triple H & The Rock vs Kurt Angle
October 30: Triple H vs Kurt Angle
November 6: Triple H, Chyna, Road Dogg & Billy Gunn vs Chris Benoit, Perry Saturn, Dean Malenko& Eddie Guerrero

2001 Raw Match History

January 22: Triple H & Steph McMahon vs Kurt Angle & Trish Stratus
February 5: Triple H & Steve Austin vs The Rock & Kurt Angle
February 12: Triple H vs Billy Gunn
March 5: Triple H & Kurt Angle vs The Rock & Steve Austin
March 19: Triple H vs Test
April 9: Triple H, Stephi McMahon, & Steve Austin vs The Hardy Boyz & Lita
April 16: Triple H vs Jeff Hardy
April 23: Triple H, Steve Austin, Edge, & Christian vs The Hardy Boyz, Kane, & Undertaker
April 30: Triple H vs Test
May 14: Triple H & Steve Austin vs Kane
May 21: Triple H & Steve Austin vs Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit (Triple H gets injured, out for rest of 2001)

2002 Raw Match History

January 7: did not wrestle but came back to the WWF after 8 months
January 21: Triple H & The Rock vs Kurt Angle & Chris Jericho
January 28: Triple H vs Booker T
February 4: Triple H vs Booker T
February 18: Triple H vs Kurt Angle #1 contenders match
March 4: Triple H vs Kurt Angle (Steel Cage Match)
March 25: Triple H vs Chris Jericho vs Stephanie McMahon
August 12: Triple H & The Unamericans vs The Rock, Booker T, Goldust & Undertaker
August 19: Triple H vs The Rock
August 26: Triple H vs Undertaker
September 2: Triple H vs Ric Flair (1st match) & Triple H & Chris Jericho vs Ric Flair & RVD
September 9: Triple H vs Spike Dudley
September 16: Triple H vs Jeff Hardy
September 23: Triple H & Ric Flair vs Bubba Ray Dudley & RVD
September 30: Triple H vs Bubba Ray Dudley
October 7: Triple H vs D'Lo Brown in a Blindfold Match
October 14: Triple H vs RVD in a Canadian Lumber Jack Match
October 21: Triple H & Ric Flair vs RVD & Kane
October 28: Triple H vs Kane in a Cofin match
November 4: Triple H & Chris Jericho vs Kane & Booker T
November 11: Triple H vs Booker T

Fan Photos/Live Photos_______________

Please do not take these and use them anywhere. They were kindly submitted for Intellectual by the vistors. If wanting a photo email the owner not me.

Kelli's Photos (13 photos)
Linda's Photos (14 photos)
Pepper's Photos (11 photos)
Lainy's Photos (7 photos)
Jennifer's Photos (9 photos)
Jen's Photos (2 photos)
Kayla's Photos (11 photos)
Dana's Photos (12 photos)
Richelle's Photos (2 photos)
Carrie's Photos (3 photos)
Jess's Photos (3 photos)
Ellie's Photos (12 photos)

Photos submitted by Shilpa
Entering the room
Nice closeup of him walking by
Posing with Shilpa

Photos submitted by Chantal
Standing near the Ropes
Awesome Closeup
Spewing his water
Another great closeup
Entering the Ring
Staring at the crowd

Photos submitted by Ashley
Signing autographs
Signing more
And one more

Photos submitted by Jessi
Walking to the Ring
Posing for the crowd
In the ring with Steph

Photos submitted by Britanee
Spewing the Water!
On the ring Apron
Shirtless & tight jeans *whoo*

Photo submitted by Carmie
Hunter & Joanie leaving the arena

Photos submitted by Ale
Beautiful photo of Hunter
Nice closeup of him in light blue
Signing an autograph
Looking at the camera

// go back

 Triple H Scans_______________

PWI Magazine February 2003 Scans (10 photos)
December 2002 WWE Mag Scans (14 photos)
PWI Magazine January 2002 Scans (11 photos)
November 2002 Raw Mag Scans (5 photos)
Rampage Magazine Fall 2002 (11 photos)
March 2002 Scans (2 photos)
August 2002 Scans (6 photos)
October 2002 Raw Mag Scans (6 photos)
November 2002 WWE Mag Scans (5 photos)
The Game Magazine (46 photos)
Wrestlemania 17 Magazine (7 photos)
Metal Edge Magazine (2 photos)
Flex Magazine (7 photos)
Magazine Covers (42 photos)
Assorted Scans Gallery 1 (25 photos)
Assorted Scans Gallery 2 (10 photos)
Assorted Scans Gallery 3 (24 photos)
Assorted Scans Gallery 4 (25 photos)
Assorted Scans Gallery 5 (21 photos)
Assorted Scans Gallery 6 (14 photos)


Fan Photos/Live Photos_______________

Please do not take these and use them anywhere. They were kindly submitted for Intellectual by the vistors. If wanting a photo email the owner not me.

Kelli's Photos (13 photos)
Linda's Photos (14 photos)
Pepper's Photos (11 photos)
Lainy's Photos (7 photos)
Jennifer's Photos (9 photos)
Jen's Photos (2 photos)
Kayla's Photos (11 photos)
Dana's Photos (12 photos)
Richelle's Photos (2 photos)
Carrie's Photos (3 photos)
Jess's Photos (3 photos)
Ellie's Photos (12 photos)

Photos submitted by Shilpa
Entering the room
Nice closeup of him walking by
Posing with Shilpa

Photos submitted by Chantal
Standing near the Ropes
Awesome Closeup
Spewing his water
Another great closeup
Entering the Ring
Staring at the crowd

Photos submitted by Ashley
Signing autographs
Signing more
And one more

Photos submitted by Jessi
Walking to the Ring
Posing for the crowd
In the ring with Steph

Photos submitted by Britanee
Spewing the Water!
On the ring Apron
Shirtless & tight jeans *whoo*

Photo submitted by Carmie
Hunter & Joanie leaving the arena

Photos submitted by Ale
Beautiful photo of Hunter
Nice closeup of him in light blue
Signing an autograph
Looking at the camera

// go back

All images were capped by Samantha and may not be used elsewhere without my her permission.



Here you can find every TV show, Talk show, and special appearances Triple H has made when not wrestling. For a list of his Tv Credits click here. This information may not be used on any other site without linking back to mine. TV Shows

Drew Carey
Pacific Blue
Summer Rental
Grown Up's
In the Zone >> w/ Chyna
Saturday Night Live >> w/ Vince, Mick, Rock, & Big Show
MTV's Timeout >> w/ Chyna
MTV's True Life I'm a Professional Wrestler
MTV's Rocks >> w/ Chyna
MTV's Countdown to Summerslam 1999
MTV's Countdown to Wrestlemania 2000
Access Hollywood (3)
Entertainment Tonight
Inside Edition
TLC's Secret World of Professional Wrestling
The Weakest Link
VH1's the Rock Show
Total Request Live


Beyond the Mat
Wrestling with Shadows

Talk Shows

Off the Record (2x) Live with Regis
Live with Regis & Kelly
Conan O'Brian (3x)
Fox News Show
The Edge with Paula Zahn (2x)
Martin Short
The Other Half
Open Mic w/ Mike Bullard (2x)
First Up on Global
AM Buffalo
Last Call w/ Carson Daily
Best Damn Sports Show Period
The Wayne Brady Show

Radio Shows

Opie & Anthony (2x)
Howard Stern (2x)
Good Day New York
Joe Arnold Radio Show
Rove Radio (Aussie)
Hillman Morning Show
Murray in the Morning


Maximum Sweat (action figures commercial)
GNC Commercial
Weider Nutrition Commercial

Video Tapes /DVD's

The Game
That Damn Good
Our Time
Best of Raw >> Several Volumes
Chyna Fitness >> cameo
Break the Walls Down >> cameo
Kurt Angle, It's True, It's True >> cameo
WWE Come Get Some >> cameo nWo: Back in Black >> cameo WWE's Funniest Moments

Special Appearances

Mr. Olympia 2000 Contest >> Judge for Preliminarys
Mr. Olympia 2001 >> w/ Steph
2001 Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade
Toys R Us >> Rode the ferris wheel w/ Steph with children effected by 9/11
UPN 9's 2002 Upfront Party
9th Annual Kids for Kids Celebrity Carnival
Tyson/Lewis fight
Boston Red Sox game
US Army Birthday Bash
Charity Ball in Australlia
Mr Olympia 2002 >> Co-host
Pumping Iron 25th Anniversary party


Fan Photos/Live Photos_______________

Please do not take these and use them anywhere. They were kindly submitted for Intellectual by the vistors. If wanting a photo email the owner not me.

Kelli's Photos (13 photos)
Linda's Photos (14 photos)
Pepper's Photos (11 photos)
Lainy's Photos (7 photos)
Jennifer's Photos (9 photos)
Jen's Photos (2 photos)
Kayla's Photos (11 photos)
Dana's Photos (12 photos)
Richelle's Photos (2 photos)
Carrie's Photos (3 photos)
Jess's Photos (3 photos)
Ellie's Photos (12 photos)

Photos submitted by Shilpa
Entering the room
Nice closeup of him walking by
Posing with Shilpa

Photos submitted by Chantal
Standing near the Ropes
Awesome Closeup
Spewing his water
Another great closeup
Entering the Ring
Staring at the crowd

Photos submitted by Ashley
Signing autographs
Signing more
And one more

Photos submitted by Jessi
Walking to the Ring
Posing for the crowd
In the ring with Steph

Photos submitted by Britanee
Spewing the Water!
On the ring Apron
Shirtless & tight jeans *whoo*

Photo submitted by Carmie
Hunter & Joanie leaving the arena

Photos submitted by Ale
Beautiful photo of Hunter
Nice closeup of him in light blue
Signing an autograph
Looking at the camera

// go back

 Photo Galleries_______________

Welcome to's Triple H photo galleries. We offer every type of Triple H photo availble (besides nudity- but darn we wish for it!). Images can be used on on your site granted you provide a link back to my site on the page you use them on, and you must NOT direct link to these images. Save them and upload them to your OWN server. If I catch you hot linking these, you'll be notified and will have to remove them or further action will be taken. Enjoy the eye candy, it's always being updated!

There is currently 5,741 images archived in 208 galleries.

Raw Images
Image Count 1495
Galleries Inside 29
Information Weekly screencaps of Triple H on Raw.
Last UpdatedNovember 11, 2002
Enter Archive

Smackdown Images
Image Count 255
Galleries Inside 10
Information Screencaps of Triple H on Smackdown.
Last Updated July 12, 2002
Enter Archive

Pay Per View Images
Image Count: 699
Galleries Inside 24
Information Screencaps of Triple H at PPV's
Last UpdatedNovember 4, 2002
Enter Archive

Misc Photo Galleries
Image Count: 702
Galleries Inside 23
Information Misc wrestling images of Triple H.
Last Updated November 4, 2002
Enter Archive

WWE Televsion Programs
Image Count: 193
Galleries Inside 8
Information All other WWE TV images besides Raw, Smackdown, & PPV.
Last Updated November 12, 2002
Enter Archive

The Game DVD
Image Count: 266
Galleries Inside 6
Information Screencaps of Triple H's dvd "The Game".
Last Updated July 1, 2002
Enter Archive

Triple H & Stephanie
Image Count: 209
Galleries Inside 7
Information Images of the couple on screen and off
Last Updated November 1, 2002
Enter Archive

Talk Shows / TV Shows
Image Count: 693
Galleries Inside 29
Information Images of his appearances on different shows
Last UpdatedNovember 16, 2002
Enter Archive

Special Appearances
Image Count: 113
Galleries Inside 16
Information Images of Hunter appearing at special events/activities
Last Updated November 12, 2002
Enter Archive

Other Photos
Image Count: 518
Galleries Inside 34
Information Images that don't fit anywhere else, but are some of the best!
Last Updated November 13, 2002
Enter Archive

Magazine Photos
Image Count: 291
Galleries Inside 20
Information Magazine scans, Magazine covers, assorted scan galleries
Last Updated November 16, 2002
Enter Archive

Live Photos
Image Count: 151
Galleries Inside 2
Information Photos of Triple H at live events and autograph signings.
Last Updated November 16, 2002
Enter Archive

go back | Intellectual

Triple H Scans_______________

PWI Magazine February 2003 Scans (10 photos)
December 2002 WWE Mag Scans (14 photos)
PWI Magazine January 2002 Scans (11 photos)
November 2002 Raw Mag Scans (5 photos)
Rampage Magazine Fall 2002 (11 photos)
March 2002 Scans (2 photos)
August 2002 Scans (6 photos)
October 2002 Raw Mag Scans (6 photos)
November 2002 WWE Mag Scans (5 photos)
The Game Magazine (46 photos)
Wrestlemania 17 Magazine (7 photos)
Metal Edge Magazine (2 photos)
Flex Magazine (7 photos)
Magazine Covers (42 photos)
Assorted Scans Gallery 1 (25 photos)
Assorted Scans Gallery 2 (10 photos)
Assorted Scans Gallery 3 (24 photos)
Assorted Scans Gallery 4 (25 photos)
Assorted Scans Gallery 5 (21 photos)
Assorted Scans Gallery 6 (14 photos)


Triple H attended the Pumping Iron 25th Anniversary party last night at the Loews Tower East in Manhattan. The party was to honor Arnold Schwarzenegger's start that made him a celebrity. Click here to view some candid photos taken by Wire Image and click here for screencaps taken by me from the UPN 9 News last night.


Photo Galleries Over 5,000 images inside

Videos Collection of videos featuring Triple H

Sounds Sound clips of Triple H.

Logos Hunter's logos over the previous years.

Posters Posters you can buy with the Game on them.

Animations Animations of Hunter, made by me.

Desktops Download a Hunter desktop for your PC

AIM Icons Decorate your AIM with Triple H

Avatars Use these if you post on the message boards

Bookmarks Read and bookmark your pages with Hunter

Yahoo Skins Decorate your Yahoo messanger with Hunter

IE Skins Decorate your Internet Explorer browser with Hunter

Graphic Art Some graphic art of Hunter

Tabs Guitar & Drum tabs of Hunter's theme music. Learn to play them.

Take My Breath Away Oh that beautiful, gorgeous smile

Cerebral Assasin Email Get your own Cerebral Assasin Email at

High Stylin Style poll on Hunter's fashion.

Free Graphics Free graphics for you too use

Fonts Download some for your own use.

\\ rewind

The Game_______________

Biography Learn the quick stats on the Game himself.

Paul's Family Meet the Levesque family.

Through the Years Photo timeline of Triple H over the years.

Blueblood to GAME Learn about his past gimmicks.

Facts Oh you didn't know? Get your butt inside for some fun filled facts.

Quotes Those oh so famous lines we hear each week. The best are inside.

Articles Read articles that were featured on the Game

Interviews Awesome Triple H interviews of all kind

Byte This Transcripts Miss a Byte This program with Triple H? Transcripts inside!

Media Reports Nice reports of Hunter in the media & shows

Timeline In depth timeline of the Game from day one of his WWE career

Career History In depth written biography of the Game and his career.

Title History All 12 title wins inside with info on who/when/where

PPV History Every PPV the Game has wrestled at. And who he wrestled.

Raw Match History Every Raw match the Game had since 1995.

Smackdown Match History Every Smackdown match the Game has had since 1999.

Sunday Night Heat Match History Every SNH match the Game has had since 1998.

Favorite Matches His favorite matches in his own words!

Peer Thoughts What do the Game's peers think of him?

Accolades Where has he been when not wrestling? Check inside and see his resume.

TV Credits Who did Hunter portray in a TV show?

Promo Transcripts Classic promos transcribed by me.

His Inspiration Hunter and his inspiration

Theme LyricsLike his music? Learn the words inside.

Name Analysis What does Hunter or Paul really mean?

Astrology What do Leo's do for fun?

Chinese Astrology Ooh the Chinese myth...scary

Hunterscope Is today his lucky day?

Month in History What did the Game do this month in history?

Q&A about Hunter Got a question? Let me answer it for you.

PWI Rankings See how good the Game really got

Personal Hunter What is Paul really like

Hunter's Workout We all wish we can have a body like him, maybe you can!

Hunter's Desk See what the Game keeps on his puter' desk!

Tough Enough Recap Did he really scare a kid off the show?

Hunter's Recipe *Sniff* I smell Swordfish ala Helmsley

Blast From the Past The good, the bad, & the ugly!

Strongest Link Just how good was the Game on the Weakest Link

Match of the Month Every month I post a new match, with a rundown and photos

Smackdown Spoilers Can't wait for Thursday's Smackdown? Get the latest on the Game!

Hunters Diary See what it's like being the Game on the road

The Game DVD Review In depth look and review of Hunter's DVD 'The Game'


To The Real Jean Paul
 My Husband I hope
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Dedcated To Triple H
From Jewls Your Real

Site By: J.M.L.

Jewls Maria Lavesque