Got Respect?
Some people deserve respect and some people don't. This page will be all about respect. First I will show you the people who I think deserve respect. Then, the ones who don't. They are mostly female celebrities just to show that I'm not just addicted to hot Anyway, here we go:

Jennifer Lopez has concquered both scenes: movies and music. She is an excellent actress with some of my favorite movies (Like Anaconda, Selena, ect.). I also love her music. Her voice is just one that I love to hear over and over again. She's not snooty or snobby; she's real and knows where she came from. Another good female role model.

Janet Jackson has been around for a long time and she still has the moves. I love her music and her style. Her voice is moving and beautiful, she is very pretty, and she is so nice. She always makes sure that she pleases her fans upfront which I like, 'cuz without us fans, where would she be? Acting is also somthing she is good at. I enjoy Janet very much and she is also a very good role model.

I really like Katie Holmes. She is such a great actress. I love Dawson's Creek. It's my absolute favorite TV show ever. When she sang "On My Own" on the show, I was shocked at how beautiful her voice is. She is very polite and shy, and she is very pretty. I hope she's around forever.

Well, while we're on the WB shows, let's move onto Sarah Michelle Gellar. She's is a good actress, she's nice, and she has good style. I like "Buffy" and she brings a lot of character to the show.

Drew Barrymnore is one of my all-time favorite actressed. I love so many of her movies (ex. Scream, The Wedding Singer, ect.) and she has nice style. I just plain like her! 'Nuff said!

Now for those who suck...

Britney Spears....GAG ME WITH A WOODEN SPOON. PLEASE. I can't stand her. She is my LEAST favorite person in the world. And look, she's practicing: pole dancing does make a lot of money. Maybe that how she paid for her chest.

Christina Aguilera is a very dirty person. I used to like her style and thought she was a good role model. That, of course, was before she released her album, "Stripped." Now her slutty just-like-britney self is showing through. Put on some pants and cover your boobs; we don't want to look at them. If we wanted to watch a whore, we'd watch Britney. Geez, Christina.

*LoL*.....'Nuff Said.