Elizabeth (Betsy) Brantley Pyland (Piland)

daughter of Phillip and Joyce Lewis Brantley

born about 1718 Nottoway Parish, Southampton VA.

died about 1826 Howell, Lincoln TN.

She married 1737 Isle of Wight Co. VA. to

James Piland Jr.

b. 1715 Isle of Wight Co. VA.

d. 1756 Isle of Wight Co. VA. son of James b. 1686 and Elizabeth Wood Piland, (son of Richard Piland from Bristol, Gloustershire, England, and Eleanor Moore of VA).

notes and Betsy and James Piland (Pyland)

Betsy and James' children

Robert Pyland

b. 1739 Isle of Wight Co. VA.

d. Jan 1784 Chatham Co. NC

m. 1767 Edgecombe Co. NC            

Caroline Bell

 b. 1740 in VA. 

Children: James, William, John, Robert, Benjamin and   Elizabeth Pyland

Ann Pyland William Pyland