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JWP's Linux Pod Cast Notes
Saturday, 29 March 2008
more linux comands
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: full belly
Topic: Linux commands

free  - Displays the amount of used and free system memory does not work in net bsd

shutdown -r minutes

w shows which users are on.  (does work in net bsd)


Posted by john_wesley_pruitt at 7:04 PM EDT
Friday, 28 March 2008
linux command
Now Playing: wow

man -t man | ps2pdf - > man.pdf

I found this and thought how useful it would be.

And tried and now I can make a pdf book on my memory stick of commands I use but not enough to really know all the options.


Why learn about open VMS?


Intereting project place:






Posted by john_wesley_pruitt at 11:27 AM EDT
Thursday, 27 March 2008
BC Scripts
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Bite Me Hard
BC, Info 
BC Script example from the internet link above:
print "\nConvert Fahrenheit to Celsius\n\n"
print "Temperature in Fahrenheit: " ; fah = read()
print "\n"
print "Equivalent Temperature in Celsius is: "
(fah - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0
My own script that I built for Currency changing.
print "\dollar to euro program\n\n"
print "Amount of Dollars to convert: " ; dollar = read()
print "The Conversion Rate For Today Is: "; convert = read()
print "\n"
print "Your Dollars Purchased this many Euros: "
(dollar) * (convert)
print "\Euro to Dollar Program\n\n"
print "Amount of Euros to convert: " ; euro = read()
print "The Conversion Rate For Today Is: "; convert = read()
print "\n"
print "Your Dollars Purchased this many Euros: "
(euro) * (convert)

Posted by john_wesley_pruitt at 9:02 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 27 March 2008 9:06 AM EDT
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
First day back
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: Run to the Hills

A bit of running around the SDF account 

Linux command uptime.


Type uptime you get days hours minutes seconds and average CPU time.

alpha-netbsd 2.1.0_stable

Is what I get when I type uname -r

Uname -m It says Alpha 

Wow not linux but net bsd



 helped with the moving of the file


Great started learning it.





Posted by john_wesley_pruitt at 12:22 PM EDT
Monday, 24 March 2008
The battle of the Unix shells
Mood:  amorous
Now Playing: Lets Dance
Topic: A shell account

I signed up for an SDF account.


I went ahead gave the 36 membership fee.

I got access to BC and SC commands which were important to me.

Learning about elm and pine and trying real hard to run my internet life through a shell.

I am using putty but there is no reason not to use an SSH in Linux either. 

 But I am having trouble coping and pasting sing MC.

I have to read up on it.






Posted by john_wesley_pruitt at 7:43 PM EDT
Saturday, 22 March 2008
Looking around
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: OpenVMS linux

So the geek in me is getting a look about in the openvms.  It seems it is a even more hardy operating system than unix or linux.  Its commands seem to be more common sense. 

So far the command line runs off something called DCL which controls the operating system.  I have a shell account athe Openvms hobby site on a Vax server named mason.

To run Open VMS on a vax station the 4000 series seems the best with the 60 model being the most practical and the VAXstation 4000 VLC being the most portable.

It seems HP provideds some free were and there is hobby LTU program.


 I looked at linux console distro.  I have not heard of it but it seems to be a live version CD product.  http://linuxconsole.org/about.php

Seems French and cutting edge. Did not down load it.  But it looked nice.

Posted by john_wesley_pruitt at 10:13 PM EDT

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