Some Personal Safety Tips

Beam Me UP

* Pickpockets thrive in large, crowded areas where they can blend in and strike unnoticed. Stick to dark, isolated alleyways.

* Remember: You can't get attacked by anyone if you preemptively attack everyone you encounter first.

* Always check the backseat before getting in your car. If a menacing-looking man is hiding there, get a friend or coworker to accompany you.

* If forced to fight, use Tai Chi to slowly defeat your enemy.

* Going everywhere in an oversized hamster ball is a good way to ensure your safety. Be sure to avoid geysers, though.

* Try to live in close proximity to Batman.

* If you go jogging, wear sweatpants that say "Do Not Rape" on the ass and crotch.

* If you must walk alone at night, appear as "street-wise" as possible by dressing like a prostitute.

* According to the NRA, the best form of personal protection is to be in possession of a loaded firearm at all times. To ensure your personal safety, stay the hell away from NRA members.